My existing deployment method of Heroku app is GitHub, Now I am planning to deploy the application using Heroku container (Docker based). I am facing "Error: This command is for Docker apps only. Run git push heroku main to deploy"
issue, while I am heroku container:release web --app {MyHerokuAppName}}
CMD:Root Directory> heroku login
CMD:Root Directory>heroku container:login
CMD:Root Directory>heroku stack:set container --app {{MyHerokuAppName}}
CMD:Root Directory> docker tag {{DockerImageName}}:latest{{MyHerokuAppName}}/web
CMD:Root Directory>docker push{{MyHerokuAppName}}/web
CMD:Root Directory>heroku container:release web --app {{MyHerokuAppName}}
I am facing issue in the last step.
I have destroyed the
and recreate the same app and then we could set the stack and as container and push the code and release also done from Powershell of my local system.the reason will be if we are using other than "Container" deployment for an app then it will not clear/reset the deployment stack/type of dyno.
There is a workaround for this. On the release step if you downgrade to the latest v8.* heroku cli the release works successfully. It looks like a bug was introduced in v9.0.0 of the heroku cli!
Github issue here: