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I would like to have a shell script that checks if a particular container is running.

For example, I might want to start the container if it’s not already running, or query some piece of information about it like what ports are exposed.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    The docker ps command takes a -f / --filter option to locate the desired container. To test if the container is running by name we might try

    $ docker ps --filter "name=myapp" --filter "status=running"
    CONTAINER ID   IMAGE               COMMAND   CREATED          STATUS          PORTS     NAMES
    91959ed76e77   foo/barbaz:latest   "/init"   10 minutes ago   Up 10 minutes             myapp

    If we just want the container ID, because we're going to pass it to another command like docker exec, we can use -q / --quiet:

    $ docker ps --filter "name=myapp" --filter "status=running" --quiet

    To just check whether it is running, we can see if the output is non-empty:

    if [ -n "$(docker ps -f "name=myapp" -f "status=running" -q )" ]; then
        echo "the container is running!"

    Or if we want some other piece of information about it, --format:

    $ docker ps -f "name=myapp" -f "status=running" --format "{{.Image}}"

  2. You might also try using the docker inspect command which works well with myapp as the container’s name … or the container’s id :

    if [ "$(docker inspect myapp --format '{{.State.Status}}')" = "running" ]; then
        echo "the container is running!"
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