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I wrote a docker-compose.yml file referencing this tutorial: Running PostGraphile in Docker, but when I run this command docker-compose pull && docker-compose up -d to update an image an error occurred:

WARNING: Some service image(s) must be built from source by running:
    docker compose build graphql
Error response from daemon: pull access denied for forum-example-graphql, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied

But if I run docker-compose up -d, everything is OK.

I wonder how the forum-example-graphql image in the following snippet can be found(from docker hub?)?

    container_name: forum-example-graphql
    restart: always
    image: forum-example-graphql
        context: ./graphql
        - ./.env
        - db
        - network
        - 5433:5433
    command: ["--connection", "${DATABASE_URL}", "--port", "5433", "--schema", "public", "--append-plugins", "postgraphile-plugin-connection-filter"]

I learned from here that the image name in the compose file is based on the created image name, but I did not name the local image as forum-example-graphql.

In another service the configuration is as follows:

    container_name: postgres
    image: postgres:latest
    restart: always
      - "./postgres-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data"
        - network
      - "5432:5432"

The image value is set as postgres:latest and the image is pulled directly from docker hub using this config, given no context and Dockerfile.

Then I wonder how the local image is named and how does it relate to the service image value.



  1. docker-compose pull, pulls the image forum-example-graphql from the image registry, default (docker hub).

    but since it is specified to be built from the directory

        context: ./graphql

    Hence, that image need not be pulled, you can use this option --ignore-buildable with docker-compose pull to skip images with local build context.

    Also docker-compose up -d by default pulls image if not available and smartly ignores local contexts and pulls images which are to be pulled.

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  2. It is not possible to do a docker-compose pull command on the forum-example-graphql-docker, because it does not exist in the publically accessible Docker Hub repository. Part of the tutorial is that you create that image yourself by using docker-compose build (see here).

    After performing the build command, you can use the up -d to start the image that you build (named forum-example-graphql).

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