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I have a container that

  • contains all runtimes needed for my app to run.
  • does not contain the application

The idea is, that I don’t need to rebuild the image in order to deploy new version of my app.

How do I copy files (my application binaries) from host to container when starting the container?

My Attempt

when I run docker run -it -e CopyBinFrom=c:pathToBinaries myimage

the folder c:pathToBinaries is not copied into the container


FROM AS base
ENV CopyBinFrom=. 

FROM base AS app_base

# ignores value from docker run
COPY $CopyBinFrom ./ 




  1. How do copy application files to docker container when starting

    Your dockerfile looks good.

    Try to troubleshoot the issue this way:

    1/ You can check whether the CopyBinFrom environment variable was being passed to the container correctly or not. This command’s output will show the CopyBinFrom environment variable value.

    docker run -it -e CopyBinFrom=c:pathToBinaries -v c:pathToBinaries:/app myimage

    2/ Also you should be sure that the c:pathToBinaries folder exists on the host machine. Otherwise, create it.

    3/ Furthermore you should be sure that the myimage image has the necessary permissions to access the c:pathToBinaries folder. The output of this command should show the c:pathToBinaries folder.

    You can do it this way:

    docker run -it --security-opt label=disable userns=true myimage ls -la /c


    Let me know if it works for you, please.

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  2. With layer caching you have not to "rebuilt overhead". There is no need for mounting files somehow.
    If you want to use your executable(s) directly then just use a like this (almost already yours).

    FROM AS base
    WORKDIR /app
    EXPOSE 8080
    FROM base AS app_base
    COPY executable.exe ./ 
    # not sure if that is correct
    ENTRYPOINT ["executable.exe"]

    With that you can just run docker build . -t yourApp:yourTag.
    When you run this command twice, then you will see that the second run will be much faster. For that you have to use a .


    • Scaling is no problem
    • Sharing images is no problem
    • Better isolation between containers
    • Easy to understand

    Reminder: are not virtual machines. They should not be used like this.

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