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Struggling with the lacking documentation at $DAY_JOB, I have figured out that I need to use one of our docker images that contain a specific *.so file. Let’s call it "".

A search with find reveals that the file exists in a local docker layer in my dev environment:

$ sudo find / -name 2>/dev/null

I have over 200 docker images locally (according to docker image ls | wc -l).

Question: How do I figure out which docker image (or docker images) that are using this docker layer?

NOTE: The environment currently has no containers running. This is a question about images, not containers.

I tried creating a container for each image, export the files, and search for the file in question. But this solution seems to take forever to run. It never run to completion.

$ docker image ls -qa | while read -r _hash; do _container="$(docker create "$_hash")"; docker container export "$_container" | tar t | grep -q '' && echo "$_hash"; docker container rm "$_container" >/dev/null; done

I also tried to list the GraphDriver data for each image, and grep for the overlay hash. But that didn’t find any matches.

$ docker image ls -qa | while read -r imageid; do docker image inspect --format '{{json .GraphDriver.Data}}' "$imageid" | grep -q 'fedc8afc375f5bf02c74542b5d3a2621fcfd522875dff06bbb63fff6d1251234' && echo "$imageid"; done

docker version

$ docker version
Client: Docker Engine - Community
 Version:           19.03.13
 API version:       1.40
 Go version:        go1.13.15
 Git commit:        4484c46d9d
 Built:             Wed Sep 16 17:02:52 2020
 OS/Arch:           linux/amd64
 Experimental:      false


The reason I could not find the image was because my /etc/docker/daemon.json had reconfigured "data-root" from /var/lib/docker to another directory.

Therefore the layers in /var/lib/docker/overlay2 was not used by any image listed with docker image ls.

After correcting this, searching the GraphDriver.Data for each image actually worked.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    As mentioned in my post edit, when I first tried to figure this out dockerd was using the wrong data-root.

    Here is my solution using GraphDriver that worked for me, pretty printed:

    docker image ls -qa 
      | while read -r imageid; do
          docker image inspect --format '{{json .GraphDriver.Data}}' "$imageid" 
            | grep -q "$layer_id" && echo "$imageid"

  2. You could do something like:

    for img in $(docker image ls -aq); do
        if [[ $(docker image history --no-trunc | grep $layer_id) ]]; then
            echo "Layer found in $img"
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