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I am creating k8s cluster from digital ocean but every time I am getting same warning after I create cluster and open that cluster in lens ID.

Here is the screenshot of warning:


i did every soltion which i found but still can't able to remove the error. 



  1. Check first if k3s-io/k3s issue 1857 could help:

    I was getting the same error when I installed kubernetes cluster via kubeadm.

    After reading all the comments on the subject, I thought that the problem might be caused by containerd and the following two commands solved my problem, maybe it can help:

    systemctl restart containerd
    systemctl restart kubelet


    This will need to be fixed upstream. I suspect it will be fixed when we upgrade to containerd v1.6 with the cri-api v1 changes

    So checking the containerd version can be a clue.

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    1. you can restart containerd service. this will fix the problem.
    2. To make permanent fix, set SystemdCgroup = true in /etc/containerd/config.toml and make sure that kubelet is configured to use systemd cgroup driver. you can check in /var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml file

    containerd config screenshot

    then restart the containerd service,

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