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I currently have my own Laravel application running on Docker using Laravel sail on Windows 11 using Ubuntu on WSL2. This works fine and as intended. I’ve pushed my work onto a Git repository, but how would I be able to pull this onto a new system? The vendor files that come with Laravel sail when you install won’t be sent to the repository, so sail will be useless until composer’s vendors files are installed.

I’m new to Docker, would this mean I would have to install composer and PHP on Linux (WSL2) and then install the vendor files? Is there any easier method to this, or is this the conventional way?

Thank you for any help.



  1. I’ve handled this by using the composer docker image to install the dependencies.

    Clone the repo and then run the following command from within the root directory.

    docker run --rm --interactive --tty -v $(pwd):/app composer install

    By mounting your repository into the container, the composer container will write the vendor directory and it will appear in your host.

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  2. The Laravel Sail docs says:

    docker run --rm 
        -u "$(id -u):$(id -g)" 
        -v $(pwd):/var/www/html 
        -w /var/www/html 
        composer install --ignore-platform-reqs

    Anyway the simpler composer docker image solution seems to work..

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