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I am trying to build an docker image out of my IntelliJ.
It is a Java (openjdk:20) project. I need to have the image as an linux/arm/v7 to run on a raspberry pi 2.
But when I try to build the image a get the following error: ERROR: failed to solve: openjdk:20: no match for platform in manifest

When I run docker buildX ls I see that I should be able to build it:

default         docker                                                        
  default       default         running v0.11.7-0.20230525183624-798ad6b0ce9f linux/arm64, linux/amd64, linux/amd64/v2, linux/riscv64, linux/ppc64le, linux/s390x, linux/386, linux/mips64le, linux/mips64, linux/arm/v7, linux/arm/v6
desktop-linux * docker                                                        
  desktop-linux desktop-linux   running v0.11.7-0.20230525183624-798ad6b0ce9f linux/arm64, linux/amd64, linux/amd64/v2, linux/riscv64, linux/ppc64le, linux/s390x, linux/386, linux/mips64le, linux/mips64, linux/arm/v7, linux/arm/v6

I am using this command:

docker buildx build --platform linux/arm/v7 --tag testarmv7 .

My Dockerfile looks like this:

FROM openjdk:20


LABEL maintainer="XXX"


ADD backend/target/capstone.jar app.jar

CMD [ "sh", "-c", "java -jar /app.jar" ]

I really appreciate any help I can get!

I tried to change the jdk to 17, 11 and 8, but it didnt solve the problem.



  1. I’m not expert of ARM, however I can give you some hint.

    The openjdk repository on Docker Hub is deprecated (see the deprecation notice).

    openjdk:20 is available for arm64/v8, not for arm/v7 which is 32 bit (see this page). It is also a bit old and vulnerable.

    arm32v7/eclipse-temurin has recent images but it supports up to Java 17. Do you really use some Java 20 feature?

    I have not found a pre-built image of Java 20 for arm/v7.

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  2. OpenJDK is deprecated and will not work with your architecture. try with this Dockerfile:

    FROM arm32v7/eclipse-temurin:17-jammy
    LABEL maintainer="XXX"
    EXPOSE 8080
    ADD backend/target/capstone.jar app.jar
    CMD [ "sh", "-c", "java -jar /app.jar" ]

    The image arm32v7/eclipse-temurin:17-jammy is a little downgrade from the JDK 20 but will work on your machine. Also the eclipse-temurin offers the JRE only if you needed.

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