I am trying to make a docker container run off of my docker-compose file:
version: '3'
context: ./
dockerfile: ./project/docker/DockerfileBackend
image: memoryapi_ad_img
- ./:/var/lib
- 15555:25555
context: ./
dockerfile: ./project/docker/DockerfileFrontend
image: memorywebsite_ad_img
- ./:/var/lib
- 15556:25556
but it gives me
WARN[0000] /home/dube_arthur/tp4startingpoint/docker-compose.yml: `version` is obsolete
[+] Running 2/2
! memory_Backend Warning pull access denied for memoryapi_ad_img, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied 0.8s
! memory_Frontend Warning pull access denied for memorywebsite_ad_img, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied 0.8s
[+] Building 0.2s (4/4) FINISHED docker:default
=> [bookapi_frontend internal] load build definition from DockerfileFrontend 0.1s
=> => transferring dockerfile: 2B 0.0s
=> [bookapi_frontend internal] load .dockerignore 0.0s
=> => transferring context: 2B 0.0s
=> [bookapi_backend internal] load build definition from DockerfileBackend 0.1s
=> => transferring dockerfile: 2B 0.1s
=> [bookapi_backend internal] load .dockerignore 0.1s
=> => transferring context: 2B 0.1s
failed to solve: failed to read dockerfile: open /var/snap/docker/common/var-lib-docker/tmp/buildkit-mount2955977944/DockerfileFrontend: no such file or directory
But, my DockerfileFrontEnd and DockerfileBackEnd is in the /project/docker/
also, they look like this
FROM demers/python420w4a
COPY ./requirements.txt /
RUN pip3 install -r /requirements.txt
RUN apt-get update -y
RUN apt-get install -y xxd
WORKDIR /var/lib
CMD ["./run.sh", "./project/main/memoryapi.py", "25555"]
and my DockerfileFrontEnd is:
FROM demers/python420w4a
COPY ./requirements.txt /
RUN pip3 install -r /requirements.txt
RUN apt-get update -y
RUN apt-get install -y xxd
WORKDIR /var/lib
CMD ["./run.sh", "./project/app/memoryfront.py", "25556"]
also, my startDocker.sh file is:
echo "Début du lancement de l'api et du Site Web dans Docker"
echo "Le nom pour l'image de l'api: $api_image_name"
echo "Le nom pour l'image du Site Web: $website_image_name"
echo "Le nom du volume où vont ce trouver les images et conteneurs: $vol_name"
echo "Le nom pour le conteneur de l'api: $api_cont_name"
echo "Le nom pour le conteneur du Site Web: $website_cont_name"
echo "Stoping everything"
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml --project-directory . down
echo "Creating everything"
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml --project-directory . up -d
and lastly, here is my run.sh file
export PYTHONPATH=$PWD/project/
echo python path is:
echo "Launching program"
echo $@
python3 "$@"
Thanks in advance for the help, as minimal as it may be!
Information Edit 1:
- i am in the /tp4startingpoint/ directory, in my linux vm
- i dont use docker-compose directly but use my ./startDocker.sh script to do the job for me.
My dockerfile path, in the docker-compose.yml file, are called .../DockerfileBackend and Frontend
my files names are... FrontEnd and BackEnd..
just realised it by following the instruction of @Lucas Begnini, and also by changing them in all lowercase, since Docker run (the command) do not accept uppercase naming i guess
First, you can run "docker compose up memory_Backend –build" to run only your backend service and check where is wrong. But I believe it could be a problem with not finding your Dockerfile, the dockerfile path that you passed into docker-compose.
Whats happen when you run "docker run" into this files?