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I am parsing thorugh a eBay API response. I want to deliver this back to a website cleaner and easier to parse with JavaScript. I successfuly Parsed through the XML… but now turning that into JSON to resend back to the client is giving me some headaches.

NOTE: $resp is the response from eBay. It’s their full length XML that is successfully parsed with the code below.

For example$valueName could be Grade. And then I go into the next foreach loop and get the values for this. These values may be 10, 9.5, 9 etc.

Here is my PHP code.

$arrayName = array();
$arrayValue = array();

foreach($resp->aspectHistogramContainer->aspect as $name) {
    $nameAspect = $name['name'];
    //$arrayName["aspectName"] = $nameAspect;

    foreach($name->valueHistogram as $value) {
        $valueAspect = $value['valueName'];
        //$arrayValue["aspectValue"] = $valueAspect;    

    //array_push($arrayName, $arrayValue);
echo json_encode($arrayName);

So, without me trying to create my own JSON, I am getting that I need. I echos results and it was similar to this…


—– Value

—– Value

—– Value


—– Value


etc etc

For a JSON response… Im looking for something like…

        "name": "NAME",
        "value": ["value", "value"]
    }, {
        "name": "name",
        "value": ["value", "value"]

Any help and guidance would be greatly appreciated.

eBay’s response is like this (there are A LOT more <aspect> and <valueHistogram>)

<getHistogramsResponse xmlns="">
<domainDisplayName>Baseball Cards</domainDisplayName>
<aspect name="Card Manufacturer">
<valueHistogram valueName="Ace Authentic">
<valueHistogram valueName="American Caramel">
<valueHistogram valueName="APBA">
<valueHistogram valueName="Bazooka">
<valueHistogram valueName="Be A Player">
<valueHistogram valueName="Bell Brand Dodgers">



  1. $results = array();
    // Parse the XML into a keyed array
    foreach($resp->aspectHistogramContainer->aspect as $name) {
        $nameAspect = (string) $name['name'];
        $values = array();
        foreach($name->valueHistogram as $value) {
            $values[] = (string) $value['valueName'];
        $results[$nameAspect] = $values;
    // This keeps things simple - rewrite to the required JSON format
    $outputForJSON = array();
    foreach ($results as $name => $values) {
        $outputForJSON[] = array(
             "name" => $name,
             "values" => $values
    echo json_encode($outputForJSON);
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  2. To encode it (and assuming SimpleXML), then it’s just a case of building each internal $aspect data array and then adding the values to it. I use (string) to ensure the data is not stored as a SimpleXMLElement, which can cause side effects…

    $arrayName = array();
    foreach($resp->aspectHistogramContainer->aspect as $name) {
        $aspect = [ "name" => (string)$name['name']];
        foreach($name->valueHistogram as $value) {
            $aspect["value"][] = (string)$value['valueName'];
        $arrayName[] = $aspect;
    echo json_encode($arrayName);

    with the sample XML, this gives…

    [{"name":"Card Manufacturer","value":["Ace Authentic","American Caramel","APBA","Bazooka","Be A Player","Bell Brand Dodgers"]}]
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  3. Create one single array $resultArray and store values in it. By maintaining your current code structure with minimal changes, here is the updated code snippet,

    $resultArray = array();
    $i = 0; // Maintain Array Index value
    foreach($resp->aspectHistogramContainer->aspect as $name) {
        $resultArray[$i]["aspectName"] = (string)$name['name'];;
        foreach($name->valueHistogram as $value) {
            $resultArray[$i]["aspectValue"][] = (string)$value['valueName'];
        $i++; // Increment array index to store next value
    echo json_encode($resultArray);
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