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I am new to api’s and ebays api. What i am trying to do is select items from a spacific store on ebay ( : or userID : machinre_nuteksalesparts)

Currently it grabs 3 random items of off ebay. I think that I am using the wrong variable for the userID b/c if i set it to anything, I get the same results. Any help in the right direction would be nice. Thank you

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Merchandising Tutorial Sample</title>
<style type="text/css">body { font-family: arial,sans-serif; font-size: small; }     </style>
// Turn on all errors, warnings and notices for easier PHP debugging

// Define global variables and settings
$m_endpoint = '';  // Merchandising URL to call
$appid = 'My-account-ID';  // You will need to supply your own AppID
$responseEncoding = 'XML';  // Type of response we want back

// Create a function for the getMostWatchedItems call
function getMostWatchedItemsResults ($selectedItemID = '', $cellColor = '') {
global $m_endpoint;
global $appid;
global $responseEncoding;

// Construct getMostWatchedItems call with maxResults and categoryId as input
$apicalla  = "$m_endpoint";
$apicalla .= "OPERATION-NAME=getMostWatchedItems";
$apicalla .= "&SERVICE-VERSION=1.0.0";
$apicalla .= "&CONSUMER-ID=$appid";
$apicalla .= "&RESPONSE-DATA-FORMAT=$responseEncoding";
$apicalla .= "&maxResults=3";
$apicalla .= "&userID=machinre_nuteksalesparts";

// Load the call and capture the document returned by eBay API
$resp = simplexml_load_file($apicalla);

// Check to see if the response was loaded, else print an error
if ($resp) {
    // Set return value for the function to null
    $retna = '';

    // Verify whether call was successful
    if ($resp->ack == "Success") {

        // If there were no errors, build the return response for the function
        $retna .= "<h1>Top 3 Most Watched Items in the ";
        $retna .=  $resp->itemRecommendations->item->primaryCategoryName;
        $retna .= " Category</h1> n";

        // Build a table for the 3 most watched items
        $retna .= "<!-- start table in getMostWatchedItemsResults --> n";
        $retna .= "<table width="100%" cellpadding="5" border="0"><tr> n";

        // For each item node, build a table cell and append it to $retna
        foreach($resp->itemRecommendations->item as $item) {

            // Determine which price to display
            if ($item->currentPrice) {
                $price = $item->currentPrice;
            } else {
                $price = $item->buyItNowPrice;

            // For each item, create a cell with imageURL, viewItemURL, watchCount, currentPrice
            $retna .= "<td valign="bottom"> n";
            $retna .= "<img src="$item->imageURL"> n";
            $retna .= "<p><a href="" . $item->viewItemURL . "">" . $item->title . "</a></p>n";
            $retna .= 'Watch count: <b>' . $item->watchCount . "</b><br> n";
            $retna .= 'Current price: <b>$' . $price . "</b><br><br> n";
            $retna .= "</td> n";
        $retna .= "</tr></table> n<!-- finish table in getMostWatchedItemsResults --> n";

    } else {
        // If there were errors, print an error
        $retna = "The response contains errors<br>";
        $retna .= "Call used was: $apicalla";

    }  // if errors

} else {
    // If there was no response, print an error
    $retna = "Dang! Must not have got the getMostWatchedItems response!<br>";
    $retna .= "Call used was: $apicalla";
}  // End if response exists

// Return the function's value
return $retna;

} // End of getMostWatchedItemsResults function

// Display the response data
print getMostWatchedItemsResults('', '');





  1. userID is not a valid input for the getMostWatchedItems call.

    Instead, you will need to use FindItemsAdvanced and use an item filter for seller ID. See


    Login or Signup to reply.
  2. you could use the getSellerList call within the trading api, here an ready to test example:

    you can also generate the php code for this call by clicking on “retrieve php code”

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