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I am trying to get all products from a user’s ebay account, but when I run my code I am only getting a few hundred. I can confirm there are 2 000 products.

How can I pull all products without using the start and end time and date parameters?

If I remove the lines of code with the <StartTimeFrom> to <EndTimeTo> it shows no products at all.

$url = '';
$user_name  = "{username is in here}";
$auth_token = "{token is in here}";
for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
    $headers = array(
      'Content-Type: text/xml',

    $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <GetSellerListRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
    <Pagination ComplexType="PaginationType">




  1. Take a look at the official ebay doc you just have to adjust your paramters according to bold marked section below 🙂


    Use this call to retrieve items listed by the
    authenticated user, including item data.

    GetSellerList returns an array of zero or more items, depending on the
    user’s activity and the inputs used in the call. Input fields can
    increase or filter the data returned. See Browsing a Seller’s Items
    for a detailed description of retrieving items using GetSellerList.

    Usage Details In all calls, at least one date-range filter must be

    You can specify a DetailLevel to control the response data. If you set
    a DetailLevel, you must set pagination values.

    GetSellerList returns a maximum of 5,000 items per call (this is
    possible if you do not specify a Detail Level, and thus return the
    smallest set of data for each item). However, if you specify any
    DetailLevel value (and thus increase the fields returned for each
    item), you might need to use Pagination values to obtain the complete
    result set. If you use a DetailLevel, the response can contain no more
    than 200 items per call.

    Many item details (such as item descriptions and listing enhancements)
    don’t change often, and getting these values adds to the overhead of
    your calls. After you initially download the details for a set of
    items, subsequent requests for those items should retrieve only the
    item information that is likely to change. It is best to avoid using a
    DetailLevel of ReturnAll or a GranularityLevel of Fine with
    GetSellerList. Or consider using GetSellerEvents instead of

    If you need to use ReturnAll to retrieve all the item details, use a
    smaller EntriesPerPage value to limit the number of items returned
    from the call. To improve performance, specify a shorter time range
    with EndTimeFrom and EndTimeTo.

    You can specify either a DetailLevel or a GranularityLevel in your
    request, but not both. See Specifying Detail Levels and Granularity
    Levels for more information about detail levels.

    Use Pagination to control the pages of data returned. The
    Pagination.EntriesPerPage field controls how many items are returned
    per call, and Pagination.PageNumber specifies which page of data to
    retrieve in the current call. The value specified for EntriesPerPage
    must be between 1 and 200.

    You can use multiple date-range filters in the same call. For example,
    you can use StartTimeFrom and StartTimeTo if you want the response to
    contain listings that started between the two times. Use EndTimeFrom
    and EndTimeTo to return listings ending between the two times.

    Working with the Response GetSellerList returns a list of the sellers
    items in an ItemArray container.

    The response data contains ItemType objects, within the ItemArray.
    Each ItemType object contains the data for a listing. Store the item
    data needed by your application. In the output, the
    ReturnedItemCountActual property indicates how many items were
    returned by the call; Count indicates how many items could be
    returned. HasMoreItems, if true, indicates that there are more items
    to be returned, requiring one or more additional calls. PageNumber
    indicates the page of data returned and ItemsPerPage indicates the
    number of items returned per call.

    Testing GetSellerList You can test this call in the Sandbox
    environment after you use AddItem to add at least two items.

    Some values are only returned if the call requestor is the seller of
    the item. To test the call from the perspective of another user, call
    GetSellerList with a user other than the one who listed the item.

    For applications that list different types of items (such as Chinese
    auctions and fixed-price items), create all possible types of listings
    using AddItem, then attempt to retrieve the data with GetSellerList.

    If applicable to the application’s use cases, list test items with
    flat and calculated shipping rates. Then retrieve the items with

    For applications that create competitive-bid item listings (Chinese
    auctions), bid on the items using the Sandbox user interface before
    retrieving the item using GetSellerList. This will populate the high
    bidder data for items in the result set.

    Test calls to GetSellerList with different combinations of detail
    level, pagination, and date-based filtering to cover all of the
    possible scenarios the application might have to accommodate under
    real world conditions.

    I’ll hope I could help you.

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  2. You cannot send a request without a time range and that the period between the from and to cannot exceed 120 days. If you want to pull all the products back you are going to have to make multiple requests to GetSellerList where each request covers a particular 120 day period.

    Information can be found in the eBay documentation for the both the EndTimeFrom and StartTimeFrom fields in the request. Note that the documentation does not say that the fields are required, but it you do not include them in your request a Failure value will be returned in the Ack field of the response.

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  3. I had this problem but I finally got the simple solution. The time range just shouldn’t be set greater than 120 days apart. You can start from whatever year and month you want, as long as the the values shouldn’t exceed 120 days between them. For instance, the query below returns the items from 2016.

     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     <GetSellerListRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">    
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