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I have a problem with missing orders. When I call GetSellerTransactions I get all orders. When I call GetOrders with the same request (only the root-node’s name is different), some of the (valid!) Orders are missing. I am aware of this. My rev is 801. I Tried this with various revisions > 705.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetOrdersRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">

Is there some spell to cast to get all orders (transactions) via GetOrders?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    It's been some time since I asked this question, so I give a little Update.

    Nowadays, the call works as "expected". May be I was on a broken revision or something, but the very same code as back in 2012 now works (checked it out from a version control system and tested again) - with the same revision number, but different orders.

    I randomy mark another answer as "correct".

  2. I don’t see any OrderStatus field in your xml, you should pass this value either on Active and Completed to retrieve paid order (completed) as well as not paid (active) orders.

    You can check on ebay documentation here:

    I would also add to request OrderRole field set to Seller (so you can filter purchased from sold items)

    To my experience i felt more confortable using NumberOfDays instead of ModTime filters wich doesn’t make me deal with date/time format at all.

    I hope this can help.

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  3. Are you also aware, that GetOrders also returns only 100 orders in one call and that you have to use the pagination attribute correctly, as described here: Ebay GetOrders API call does not return orders as per the request

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