There are 3 tables in SQL Server with large amount of data, each table contains about 100000
rows. There is one SQL to fetch rows from the three tables. Its performance is very bad.
LeadId, dbo.get_item_id(Log) AS ItemId, DateCreated AS PriceDate
t.ID, t.LeadID, t.Log, t.DateCreated, f.AskingPrice
f ON f.PKID = t.LeadID
t.Log LIKE '%xxx%') temp
JOIN s ON s.ItemID = t1.ItemId
When checking its estimated execution plan, I find it uses a nested loop join with large rows. Loot at the screenshot below. The top part in the image return 124277 rows, and the bottom part is executed 124277 times! I guess this is why it is so slow.
We know that nested loop has big performance issue with large data. How to remove it, and use hash join or other join instead?
Edit: Below is the related function.
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[get_item_Id](@message VARCHAR(200))
DECLARE @result VARCHAR(200),
@index int
--Sold in eBay (372827580038).
SELECT @index = PatIndex('%([0-9]%)%', @message)
IF(@index = 0)
SELECT @result='';
SELECT @result= REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(SUBSTRING(@message, PatIndex('%([0-9]%)%', @message),8000), '.', ''),'(',''),')','')
-- Return the result of the function
RETURN @result
To optimize the query, do the following:
comparisons within this function are also very time consuming.
Finally, your query will look like the following code:
"COUNT" over a big result is never a good idea. Additionally you have
LIKE '%xxx%'
, which always results into a full scan and cannot be predicted by the optimization engine.It know, it is a costly way, but I would redesign the application. Maybe adding some trigger and de-normalizing the data structure could be a good solution.
For some reason it has decided to do
s cross join t1
then evaluate the function (result aliased as Expr1002) and then do a filter on [s].[ItemID]=[Expr1002] (instead of doing an equi join).It estimates that it will have
rows going into the cross join (which means it would produce11,056,800,413
)Executing the scalar UDF after the cross join an estimated 11 billion times and then filtering the estimated 11 billion rows down does seem crazy. If it was evaluated before the join it would be evaluated much fewer times and would also be an equi join so could also use
inner joins and just read all tables once without blowing the row count up.I reproduced this locally and the behaviour changed when the UDF was created
– SQL Server will then see that it does not access any tables and that it is deterministic in its definition.Trace flag
output appears to support this being the issue.In both cases the "Simplified Tree" stage represents the query as a cross join with the predicate on the ScalarUdf. The scalar UDF is annotated "IsDet" or "IsNonDet" dependant on whether or not the function is schema bound. In the former case the "Project Normalization" stage pushes the calculation back up before the join and gives it an alias referenced in the join itself, in the non deterministic case this does not happen.
I strongly suggest getting rid of this scalar function and replacing it with an inline version though as non inline scalar functions have many well known additional performance problems apart from this.
The new function would be
and rewritten query
there may still be room for some additional optimisations but this will be orders of magnitudes better than your current execution plan (as that is catastrophically bad).
In case you’d still want to use the get_item_Id UDF.
Here’s a golf-coded deterministic version of it.