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I have two columns with a list of each strings, named Tag 1, Tag 2. In simple terms I need to check if a string in a cell is found anywhere in the adjacent column and if so, swap the values.

Existing Dataframe

Tag 1    Tag 2
Amazon   Twitter
Amazon   Google
eBay     Amazon
Reddit   Facebook

Desired Output

Tag 1    Tag 2
Amazon   Twitter
Amazon   Google
Amazon   eBay
Reddit   Facebook

In the desired outcome, you can see that Amazon has switched places with eBay because it was found in the Tag 1 column.

Minimum Reproducible Example

import pandas as pd

data = {'Tag 1': ['Amazon', 'Amazon', 'eBay', 'Reddit'],
        'Tag 2': ['Twitter', 'Google', 'Amazon', 'Facebook']}

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

I’ve been researching similar posts but can’t quite seem to get it exactly right.

Here’s my code so far.



  1. This might do it

    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    data = {'Tag 1': ['Amazon', 'Amazon', 'eBay', 'Reddit'],
            'Tag 2': ['Twitter', 'Google', 'Amazon', 'Facebook']}
    df = pd.DataFrame(data)
    values = np.unique(df['Tag 1'].values)  # All unique values in Tag 1
    swapped = []  # So we don't double swap
    for val in values:
        rows = df.loc[df['Tag 2'] == val]  # Get rows in Tag 2 that matches
        for idx, row in rows.iterrows():
            if idx in swapped:  # Ignore if already swapped
            # Swap the values
            temp = df.iloc[idx]['Tag 2']
            df.iloc[idx]['Tag 2'] = df.iloc[idx]['Tag 1']
            df.iloc[idx]['Tag 1'] = temp

    There are probably more efficient solutions, but I think this is pretty clear. It goes through each unique value in the ‘Tag 1’ column and checks for matches in the ‘Tag 2’ column, and swaps them. I was not sure if you wanted to avoid double swaps, but that can be removed if it’s not a requirement.

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  2. You could use pd.where to check when a value in ‘Tag 2’ existis in ‘Tag 1’ using isin and swap the values when you assign back:

    df[['Tag 1','Tag 2']] = df[['Tag 2','Tag 1']].where(
        df['Tag 2'].isin(df['Tag 1'].tolist()), df[['Tag 1','Tag 2']].values)

    prints back:

        Tag 1     Tag 2
    0  Amazon   Twitter
    1  Amazon    Google
    2  Amazon      eBay
    3  Reddit  Facebook
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  3. The answer of @sophocles is probably the right.

    However if you just want to reorder columns in a lexicographical order for instance, try:

    tags = ['Tag 1', 'Tag 2']
    df[tags] = df[tags].apply(lambda x: sorted(tuple(x)), axis=1, result_type='expand')
    # Output
          Tag 1    Tag 2
    0    Amazon  Twitter
    1    Amazon   Google
    2    Amazon     eBay
    3  Facebook   Reddit
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