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I have very unfamiliar csv file where lines like this:

"31 lip 2021,""Inna opłata"",""--"",""--"",""--"",""--"",""--"",""--"",""--"",""--"",""-1,29"",""EUR"",""2 sie 2021"",""111"",""mBank *7981"",""Środki zostały wysłane"",""--"",""111"",""--"",--,""--"",""--"",""--"",""--"",""--"",""--"",""0%"",""--"",""--"",""--"",""--"",""--"",""-5,7"",""PLN"",""4,43151"",""FEE-111"",""Opłata za nazwę pomocniczą przedmiotu """

I’ve used GenericParserAdapter but result not happy:
Result (ItemArray):

        [0] "31 lip 2021"   object {string}
        [1] ""Inna opłata""   object {string}
        [2] ""--""    object {string}
        [3] ""--""    object {string}
        [4] ""--""    object {string}
        [5] ""--""    object {string}
        [6] ""--""    object {string}
        [7] ""--""    object {string}
        [8] ""--""    object {string}
        [9] ""--""    object {string}
        [10]    """-1"    object {string}
        [11]    "29"""    object {string}
        [12]    ""EUR""   object {string}
        [13]    ""2 sie 2021""    object {string}
        [14]    ""111""   object {string}
        [15]    ""mBank *7981""   object {string}
        [16]    ""Środki zostały wysłane""    object {string}
        [17]    ""--""    object {string}
        [18]    ""111""   object {string}
        [19]    ""--""    object {string}
        [20]    "--"    object {string}
        [21]    ""--""    object {string}
        [22]    ""--""    object {string}
        [23]    ""--""    object {string}
        [24]    ""--""    object {string}
        [25]    ""--""    object {string}
        [26]    ""--""    object {string}
        [27]    ""0%""    object {string}
        [28]    ""--""    object {string}
        [29]    ""--""    object {string}
        [30]    ""--""    object {string}
        [31]    ""--""    object {string}
        [32]    ""--""    object {string}
        [33]    """-5"    object {string}
        [34]    "7""" object {string}
        [35]    ""PLN""   object {string}
        [36]    """4" object {string}
        [37]    "43151""" object {string}
        [38]    ""FEE-111""   object {string}
        [39]    """Opłata za nazwę pomocniczą przedmiotu "    object {string}

Column 10 and 11 are split (36, 37 too) , but this is one value and cannot be split.
How to properly configure parser (or split idea) and resolve this issue? Any solution?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Finally i resolve this problem like this:

     var kodowanie = sciezkaPliku.GetEncoding();
                var plik = new StringBuilder();
                var linie = File.ReadAllLines(sciezkaPliku, kodowanie);
                for (int i = 0; i < File.ReadAllLines(sciezkaPliku, kodowanie).Length; i++)
                        .Replace(",""", ";")
                        .Replace(""",", ";")
                        .Replace("""", ""));
                sciezkaPliku = $"{sciezkaPliku}_parsed";
                if (File.Exists(sciezkaPliku))
                File.AppendAllText(sciezkaPliku, plik.ToString(), kodowanie);
                using (var parser = new GenericParserAdapter(sciezkaPliku, sciezkaPliku.GetEncoding()))
                    parser.FirstRowHasHeader = true;
                    parser.ColumnDelimiter = ';';
                    var pozycje = parser.GetDataTable();
                    foreach (var item in pozycje.Rows)

  2. "31 lip 2021,""Inna opłata"",""--"",""--"",""--"",""--"",""--"",""--"",""--"",""--"",""-1,29"",""EUR"",""2 sie 2021"",""111"",""mBank *7981"",""Środki zostały wysłane"",""--"",""111"",""--"",--,""--"",""--"",""--"",""--"",""--"",""--"",""0%"",""--"",""--"",""--"",""--"",""--"",""-5,7"",""PLN"",""4,43151"",""FEE-111"",""Opłata za nazwę pomocniczą przedmiotu """

    Somehow the full row is converted to a single field, and all double quotes are escaped with another double quote.

    The row should look like this instead (which parses fine):

    31 lip 2021,"Inna oplata","--","--","--","--","--","--","--","--","-1,29","EUR","2 sie 2021","111","mBank *7981","Srodki zostaly wyslane","--","111","--",--,"--","--","--","--","--","--","0%","--","--","--","--","--","-5,7","PLN","4,43151","FEE-111","Oplata za nazwe pomocnicza przedmiotu "

    One solution might be to parse the data twice. First to convert to the original row, then to parse the data.

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