I built a React app a year ago, and totally stopped working with React, so I am really really rusty.
Site is here: http://allvintagesearch.com
I’m using eBay API.
I’m sort of afraid to touch it, so wondering if there are any tips someone can provide in adding the ability for this site to get better rankings in google (right now there is really not much traffic).
Any help is appreciated.
If your site is static you can use Gatsby, otherwise, your best option is NextJs. you can check their doc. you can also find very good tutorials online.
There are some websites like https://website.grader.com/ that they give you scores about every aspects of your website (e.g performance, security , SEO and etc) and then they tell you what you are missing and how to fix them. for google search i would recommend you to have look to this link:
Get your website on Google
hope it gives you some help to start from.