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I wrote a WordPress theme, I want to let it compatible with Elementor, where can I start my work?



  1. To make your theme compatible with the Elementor page builder plugin, you need to take care of few things.

    • We normally use container class after main content. If the page/post is using the Elementor template, you need to remove the container class
    • Most of the theme designers use padding on the content of the theme. You can remove content padding if the page is an Elementor template.
    • It is very important to make styles of your main theme easily overridable by styles of Elementor. So, Do not use !important
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  2. There are few things to consider before making a theme compatible with Elementor:

    First you need to register location in functions.php
    Locations are organized in groups:Header, Footer, Single, Archive.
    To register all location:

    function theme_prefix_register_elementor_locations( $elementor_theme_manager ) {
    add_action( 'elementor/theme/register_locations', 'theme_prefix_register_elementor_locations' );

    Second, Display locations in the Theme: We use elementor_theme_do_location()
    Example, displaying Archive location:

    // Elementor `archive` location
    if ( ! function_exists( 'elementor_theme_do_location' ) || ! elementor_theme_do_location( 'archive' ) ) {
        get_template_part( 'template-parts/archive' );

    Then, make sure to remove container if using elemntor template:

          if( !is_page_template('elementor_header_footer')) ){ ?>
             <div class="container">
        } ?>

    Remember always to use conditionnal tags to test in case elementor is not installed, otherwise it will throw errors.
    More detail: Elementor Theme location API

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