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Using Bootstrap theme in wordpress called BScore and css compiled by scss I have a file called:

_bscore_variables.scss which allows me to override the bootstrap theme variables.

So for example I set the color variables:

$gray-100:                        #f8f9fa;
$gray-200:                        #e9ecef;
$gray-300:                        #dee2e6;
$gray-400:                        #ced4da;
$gray-500:                        #adb5bd;
$gray-600:                        #6c757d;
$gray-700:                        #495057;
$gray-800:                        #343a40;
$gray-900:                        #212529;
$black:                           #000;

Then I can override the primary secondary etc variables like this in the same file:

$primary:                         $red;
$secondary:                       $gray-600;
$success:                         $green;

However the headings of the theme I am using are taking their color from a variable called --bs-heading-color and when I try to add an override in the file as

$heading-color: $grey-800 I get an error message saying there was a problem compiling the scss

If I change that line to something like:
$heading-color: grey I don’t get any compilation error but I don’t see the color taking effect in the browser. If I inspect the element I see the original color setting for the element as h2 { color: var(--bs-heading-color);}

Can anyone advise how to overide this variable?

The documentation on bootstrap colors doesn’t make any mention of that particular variable or where it comes from.



  1. It’s possible.

    You have to override $headings-color not $heading-color.

    Good luck!

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  2. Check out the customize section of the docs:

    It tells you how variables in bootstrap work.

    In the case of root variables which start with — (like –bs-heading-color) they’re defined in the _root.scss file, so you need to check this file to know how they’re defined.

    In this file you can see

    --#{$prefix}heading-color: #{$headings-color};

    So this is why you need to change $headings-color

    Hope this helps!

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