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using next.js +next-auth + Prisma + PostgreSQL
I added a custom login page and added the providers as well.
my userId in the database is Int so when I log in with credentials I have no issue but when logging in with one of the social providers I get an error…

Argument userId: Got invalid value '5106220' on Prisma.findManyTodos. Provided String, expected IntFilter or Int:

how to force providers to use Int instead of String when connecting to a database.
This error occurs whenever i need to connect the database
This is a Full error

provider: {
id: 'facebook',
name: 'Facebook',
type: 'oauth',
authorization: {
  url: '',
  params: [Object]
token: {
  url: '',
  params: {}
userinfo: {
  url: '',
  params: [Object],
  request: [AsyncFunction: request]
profile: [Function: profile],
idToken: false,
checks: [ 'state' ],
clientId: 'MyClientId',
clientSecret: '413db228b5b8e2e1134f5',
signinUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/api/auth/signin/facebook',
callbackUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback/facebook'


[next-auth][debug][PROFILE_DATA] {
  OAuthProfile: {
    id: '11062270',
    name: 'obi ',
    email: '[email protected]',
    picture: { data: [Object] }
[next-auth][debug][OAUTH_CALLBACK_RESPONSE] {
  profile: {
    id: '5062260',
    name: ' Eco',
    email: '[email protected]',
    image: ''
  account: {
    provider: 'facebook',
    type: 'oauth',
    providerAccountId: '0711062270',
    access_token: 'EAAVmjxtUcOMBACPeAQm3Ocb0zzKcl8uiZAnZCYhhYxGo',
    token_type: 'bearer',
    expires_at: 1669548134
  OAuthProfile: {
    id: '560',
    name: 'co',
    email: '[email protected]',
    picture: { data: [Object] }
  user: {
    name: 'co',
    email: '[email protected]',
    image: '',
    id: '106226'
  expires: '2022-10-28T17:11:31.515Z',
  id: '1062'
Invalid `prisma.todos.findMany()` invocation:

  where: {
    userId: '7110620'
  select: {
    id: true,
    text: true,
    done: true

Argument userId: Got invalid value '5106220' on prisma.findManyTodos. Provided String, expected IntFilter or Int:
type IntFilter {
  equals?: Int
  in?: List<Int>
  notIn?: List<Int>
  lt?: Int
  lte?: Int
  gt?: Int
  gte?: Int
  not?: Int | NestedIntFilter
type IntFilter {
  equals?: Int
  in?: List<Int>
  notIn?: List<Int>
  lt?: Int
  lte?: Int
  gt?: Int
  gte?: Int
  not?: Int | NestedIntFilter

    at Document.validate (C:UserselearDesktopTokTok4unode_modules@prismaclientruntimeindex.js:29297:20)
    at serializationFn (C:UserselearDesktopTokTok4unode_modules@prismaclientruntimeindex.js:31876:19)
    at runInChildSpan (C:UserselearDesktopTokTok4unode_modules@prismaclientruntimeindex.js:25100:12)
    at PrismaClient._executeRequest (C:UserselearDesktopTokTok4unode_modules@prismaclientruntimeindex.js:31883:31)
    at consumer (C:UserselearDesktopTokTok4unode_modules@prismaclientruntimeindex.js:31810:23)
    at C:UserselearDesktopTokTok4unode_modules@prismaclientruntimeindex.js:31815:51
    at AsyncResource.runInAsyncScope (node:async_hooks:201:9)
    at C:UserselearDesktopTokTok4unode_modules@prismaclientruntimeindex.js:31815:29
    at runInChildSpan (C:UserselearDesktopTokTok4unode_modules@prismaclientruntimeindex.js:25100:12)
    at PrismaClient._request (C:UserselearDesktopTokTok4unode_modules@prismaclientruntimeindex.js:31812:22) {
  clientVersion: '4.4.0'
API resolved without sending a response for /api/v1/todo/get, this may result in stalled requests.



  1. According to the Prisma adapter in the NextAuth docs, the User model in the Prisma schema needs to have an id field with a String type.

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  2. You must add + before the field.

    Example +id or +productId and try again.

    This helps me resolve my problem.

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  3. Changing only schema is not enough, solution should be to make your own adapter. @next-auth/prisma-adapter uses default Next-Auth’s model & schema, which declare id as a string type. This means that native adapter expects you to follow them and thus, types them as such and don’t convert provided strings as integers. Here you can check the structure of the native adapter.

    How I solved it

    export function CustomAdapter(client) {
      return {
        createUser: (data) => client.user.create({
        getUser: (id) =>
            where: {
              id: typeof id === "number" ? id : Number.parseInt(id)
        /** ... rest of the functions */

    If you are using TypeScript you will have quite a time, it’s really painful to correctly type everything due to how strongly typed DefaultAdapter is. Types you would need to look in to are Adapter, AdapterUser and AdapterAccount, all of which is inside next-auth/adapters.d.ts

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