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I need to publish either a photo or video to an authenticated Instagram Business Account.

I have gotten the access token to the Instagram Business Account and now I wish to upload a video to that account but I keep getting back this error message

Media ID is not available

I followed the instructions to upload either a video or photo from the docs here

Please note that the below code works perfectly well at uploading Photos but always fails when it’s video.

Here is my code after following their documentation:

let mediaContainerUrl = `${igUserId}/media`;
let containerParams = new URLSearchParams();
if (isPhoto) {
    containerParams.append('image_url', mediaUrl);
} else {
    containerParams.append('video_url', mediaUrl);
    containerParams.append('media_type', 'VIDEO');
containerParams.append('caption', caption);
containerParams.append('access_token', accessToken);
try {
    let mediaContainerResponse = await, containerParams);
    let { id } =;

    // id above is supposed to be the creation_id needed for the next step below:

    // I can confirm that the id for the created media container was actually returned. 
    // So, it's weird for me to keep getting the Media ID not available error message.

    let mediaPublishResponse = await`${igUserId}/media_publish?creation_id=${id}&access_token=${access_token}`);
    let mediaPublishResponseData =;
    let publishedMediaId =;
    console.log(`File uploaded to Instagram!`);

} catch (e) {
    console.log(`Instagram file upload failed miserably`);

Please note that mediaUrl above is coming from a remote url e.g

Once again, uploading a Photo with the above code is working perfectly but never works when it’s video. I keep getting the following full error message:

OAuth "Facebook Platform" "invalid_request" "Media ID is not available

After careful observation I noticed that indeed the creation_id was generated for the video, so quite frankly, it’s weird that I am still getting the above error message.

Please, what could I be doing wrong?

I’m thankful to any suggestions in resolving this.



  1. So, here is what the problem is. When you upload a video to the /media endpoint, the video takes some time to be processed, and the video will not be available for publishing during this time, hence the reason the /media_publish endpoint is returning "Media Id not available". The solution to this would be to check for the container’s publishing status: GET: /{ig-container-id}?fields=status_code. Only when the status_code is "FINISHED" is the container available for publishing. Check the link below for more details

    IG content publish troubleshooting

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  2. @aib is correct.

    You need to check the status of the media container before calling publish. Meta’s documentation states:

    If you are able to create a container for a video but the POST
    /{ig-user-id}/media_publish endpoint does not return the published
    media ID, you can get the container’s publishing status by querying
    the GET /{ig-container-id}?fields=status_code endpoint.

    It takes some time, depending on the size of the video you are uploading, for the container to be ready for publish. For a 1Mb video, it took me ~10 seconds for the media container to be available. I check for the GET /{ig-container-id}?fields=status_code endpoint to return FINISHED and only then I can finally use the media_publish endpoint with the creationId.

    async function checkIfMediaContainerReady(containerReady) {
      if (!containerReady) {
        console.log('waiting for ig media container to be ready...');
        await sleep(5000);
        let res = await Request(mediaContainerStatusCheckUrl, {method: "GET", headers: headers});
        let statusResponseJson = await JSON.parse(res);
        await checkIfMediaContainerReady(statusResponseJson.status_code === 'FINISHED');
    const res = await Request(mediaContainerStatusCheckUrl, {method: "GET", headers: headers});
    const statusResponseJson = await JSON.parse(res);
    await checkIfMediaContainerReady(statusResponseJson.status_code === 'FINISHED');
    console.log("ig media container is ready");
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