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I am using ruby koala facebook graph API gem to retrieve events but cant restrict the events using a date range. I seem to be getting all events (even ones which have happened). What I am trying to do is get events is the next 200 days. I am using the following (ruby) code:

 Koala.config.api_version = 'v2.10'
 oauth = app_id, app_secret
 graph = oauth.get_app_access_token

 from_date =
 to_date   = from_date + 200

 fb_events = graph.get_object( fb_venue["url_listings"] + "?time_range={"since":#{from_date}, "until":#{to_date}" )

I am then getting the events 25 at once (the facebook default limit) using ‘fb_events.next_page’ to get them all.

I seem to get getting all events, including ones is the past.



  1. Are you sure that the #get_object method wants a query string like that? Based on the docs[1], it seems that you should pass your object ID (which I assume is in fb_venue[‘url_listings’] for you as a first arg, and then metadata in a subsequent arg as a Hash. So I’d try something like:

    fb_events = graph.get_object(fb_venue['url_listings'], 
        {since: from_date, until: to_date})

    …according to the key/nesting structure FB expects.

    Edit: forgot link to docs.

    [1] –

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  2. According to the doc I don’t think that you can request all the events, You can only select an event by using /{event-id} like this example or you can get user’s events but you will need to ask him for the permission according to

    add user_events to the list of scope that you are permitting from user.

    By this when user sign up using Facebook to your application it will take a permission for his events.

    After that by using graph.get_object({facebook-user-id} + '/events') you will get 25 of his events as a default value and you can add {limit: 5} as a second parameter to the get_object function, You can use until and since but they should be in A Unix timestamp look at this to see the needed date format, hope this would help.

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