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Hello Stackoverflowers!

I have a DataFrame, obtained from Facebook Marketing API, and I’d like to unnest a column into several rows.

This is the a sample of the data I obtained through the API:

ad_name      video_play_curve_actions
ad_1         [{'action_type': 'video_view', 'value': [100, 40, 16, 10, 7, 5, 4, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}]
ad_2         [{'action_type': 'video_view', 'value': [100, 51, 22, 13, 9, 7, 6, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}]

What I am looking for, is an outcome that looks like illustrated below

enter image description here

I’d need a for loop for this because the solution needs to work for many 100 rows.

I’ve added example data and desired output to this sheet:

Really hope someone here can help me out.

Thanks in advance


Thank you so much. Seems like there are multiple ways to fix it, but all the solutions included: pandas.explode:

Will definitely use it going forward.

Happy Wednesday



  1. You’re looking for pandas.explode:, plus some necessary preprocessing for your video_play_curve_actions column.

    import pandas as pd
    import argparse
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        args = parser.parse_args()
        df = pd.read_csv(args.filepath)
        df['video_play_curve_actions'] = df['video_play_curve_actions'].apply(lambda x: eval(x)[0]['value'])
        df_exploded = df.explode('video_play_curve_actions').rename(columns={'video_play_curve_actions': 'value'})


      ad_name value
    0    ad_1   100
    0    ad_1    40
    0    ad_1    16
    0    ad_1    10
    0    ad_1     7

    Note that I used eval here to process the values in video_play_curve_actions which isn’t always considered best practice. If the input contained double quotes " instead of single quotes ' we could have used json.loads instead.

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  2. One way would be to grab the values of your video_play_curve_actions using str.split(), and then explode():



        ad_name video_play_curve_actions
    0      ad_1                      100
    1      ad_1                       40
    2      ad_1                       16
    3      ad_1                       10
    4      ad_1                        7
    ..      ...                      ...
    105    ad_5                        0
    106    ad_5                        0
    107    ad_5                        0
    108    ad_5                        0
    109    ad_5                        0
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  3. Use ast.literal_eval to convert the strings to a python data structure (list of dict here) then explode and extract ‘value’ key:

    import ast
    out = df[['ad_name']].join(
                                            .apply(lambda x: x['value']).explode()


    >>> out
        ad_name video_play_curve_actions
    0      ad_1                      100
    1      ad_1                       40
    2      ad_1                       16
    3      ad_1                       10
    4      ad_1                        7
    ..      ...                      ...
    105    ad_5                        0
    106    ad_5                        0
    107    ad_5                        0
    108    ad_5                        0
    109    ad_5                        0
    [110 rows x 2 columns]

    Note: The best way is probably to use directly the response from Facebook Marketing API rather than load data from an excel file.

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