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I’m trying to create an external login scheme for facebook, google and linkedin without using identity framework. I have an api that stores all users and do some authentication stuffs. Right now I’m kind of lost on how to get the information from the external login.

I’m issuing a challenge like this.

public IActionResult ExternalLogin(string provider)
    //Issue a challenge to external login middleware to trigger sign in process
    return new ChallengeResult(provider);

This works well, it redirects me to either google, facebook or linkedinn authentication.

Now on this part:

public async Task<IActionResult> ExternalLoginCallback()
    //Extract info from externa; login

    return Redirect("/");

All I want is to get the information that was provided by the external login.

I have tried what I found from my research,

 var result = await HttpContext.AuthenticateAsync(provider);
 if (result?.Succeeded != true)
     return Redirect("/");
 var externalUser = result.Principal;
 var claims = externalUser.Claims.ToList();

First of all I I’m not sure if a simple ?provider=Google on my callback string will pass the provider name I specify so it can be used to check the sign in scheme. I guess this is incorrect. Secondly, I tried hard coding await HttpContext.AuthenticateAsync("Google") and when it reach this code, the debug stops. I’m not sure why.

I’ve seen the generated code when creating a project with single authentication.

var info = await _signInManager.GetExternalLoginInfoAsync();

Sadly, I’m won’t be able to use identity since I don’t have a user store and my application will be consuming an API.



  1. I too had this issue and see if the below code works for you.
    I wanted to extract the full name after Google/FB authentication.

    var info = await _signInManager.GetExternalLoginInfoAsync();
    TempData["fullname"] = info.Principal.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.Name);
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  2. First you need to create a custom cookie handler. I myself had problems with:

    No IAuthenticationSignInHandler is configured to handle sign in for
    the scheme: Bearer

    I had to add a cookie handler that will temporarily store the outcome of the external authentication, e.g. the claims that got sent by the external provider. This is necessary, since there are typically a couple of redirects involved until you are done with the external authentication process.


    services.AddAuthentication(JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme).AddJwtBearer(o =>
        o.TokenValidationParameters = tokenValidationParameters;
    .AddGoogle(googleOptions =>
        googleOptions.SignInScheme = "YourCustomScheme";
        googleOptions.ClientId = "x";//Configuration["Authentication:Google:ClientId"];
        googleOptions.ClientSecret = "x";//Configuration["Authentication:Google:ClientSecret"];
        //googleOptions.CallbackPath = "/api/authentication/externalauthentication/signin-google";

    The important part here is “YourCustomScheme”.

    Now it’s time to retrieve the user information from the claims provided by the external authentication in the callback action.


    public IActionResult ExternalLogin(ExternalLoginModel model)
        if (model == null || !ModelState.IsValid)
            return null;
        var properties = new AuthenticationProperties { RedirectUri = _authenticationAppSettings.External.RedirectUri };
        return Challenge(properties, model.Provider);
    public async Task<IActionResult> ExternalLoginCallback(string returnUrl = null, string remoteError = null)
        //Here we can retrieve the claims
        var result = await HttpContext.AuthenticateAsync("YourCustomScheme");
        return null;

    Voilà! We now have some user information to work with!

    enter image description here

    Helpful link

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