I am user PHP facebook API
to get the Facebook’s user data. And I am trying to get the total friends.
I am using Graph API
and it return this:
"id": "12312312312312",
"name": "myName",
"friends": {
"data": [
"summary": {
"total_count": 89
But When I use my code:
$profile_request = $fb->get('/me?fields=name, friends');
$profile = $profile_request->getGraphNode()->asArray();
//It return these to me:
Array ( [name] => Myname [friends] => Array ( ) [id] => 12346677888 )
The friend array only return a null value to me.
How can I get back the total count
thx for helping
Facebook v2.0 upgraded you can try like this “user_friends”.
Upgrade Link
I know it’s an old question, but this may be helpful for someone since I was just looking for this answer by myself. And I found it.
You have to get graph node without asArray to grab total_count.
For example:
$profile will act the same, but you will now have graph node without asArray, so you can grab total_count.