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I am getting an error while uploading an image to Facebook.

Both image and image path are proper but somehow it is not uploaded to Facebook when I am making a POST request to {pageid}/photos API call.

Here is my code.

$photoURL = '';
$uploadPhoto = $fb->post('/'.$pageId.'/photos', ['published' => 'false', 'url' => $photoURL]);

And it is giving following error.

Message: (#324) Missing or invalid image file

Please help me.




  1. For me it was the SSl certificate. It was on the server and valid over https, however I had an incorrect intermediate certificate on there. I saw the error when I checked the domain



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  2. If you are trying to post from your localhost or virtualhost then error occurs because facebook can not find the url that you are providing.

    Try this way:
    search image from internet and pass its address to facebook SDK. I will post successfullty.

    I was trying to send image from my virtualhost and it gave same error. Then I picked an image form internet and passed then it was posted successfully.

    Hope it solves your issue

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