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I’m trying to use the Facebook graph api for my ad account to get the insights of a specific date. I believe date is the correct parameter to use. Here is Facebook’s documentation for ad account insights

Here is the url I am attempting to use:{"since":"2016-08-09","until":"2016-08-09"}&fields=account_id%2Cspend%2Cimpressions%2Ctotal_actions&method=get&pretty=0&sdk=joey

This is the response I get:

{"error":{"message":"(#100) Must be a date representation in the format YYYY-MM-DD","type":"OAuthException","code":100,"fbtrace_id":"HEFP4SeNfWa"}}



  1. act_account_id/insights?time_range={'since':'2016-10-17','until':'2016-10-17'}&fields=reach
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  2. I don’t know concerning the single or double quotes. For me, the single quotes worked this way :


    However, using Google Apps SCript and UrlFetchApp.fetch method, I had to use encodeURIComponent on the time range parameters to get it to work.

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  3. the best way to use this is{"since":"2016-08-09","until":"2016-08-09"}){account_id,spend,impressions,total_actions}&access_token=MY_ACCESS_TOKEN&method=get&pretty=0&sdk=joey
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  4. You can use this too. This is URL encoded:


    but keep in mind that above line only works with the combination of:


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