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I am programming a Marketing-API for facebook and am running into the following error:

Fatal error: Uncaught exception
with message
    '(#2635) You are calling a deprecated version of the Ads API.
    Please update to the latest version: v2.8.'
in [MY FOLDER]/vendor/facebook/php-ads-sdk/src/FacebookAds/Http/Exception/RequestException.php:163

Here is the file [MY FOLDER]/composer.json I used to install the SDKs:

  "require": {
      "facebook/php-sdk-v4" : "~5.0",
      "facebook/php-ads-sdk": "2.8.*"

Within the app folder (which I upload to a private server, from /localhost/~[my user name]/[some directory]/, henceforth referred to as [MY FOLDER]) I have two php files index.php and login-callback.php as well as the sdks (facebook & facebook-ads) located in [MY FOLDER]/vendor. Here are the php files:

File [MY FOLDER]/index.php

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use FacebookFacebook;
$fb = new Facebook([
    'app_id' => '000000000000', // censored
    'app_secret' => '000000000000', // censored
$helper = $fb->getRedirectLoginHelper();
$permissions = ['ads_management'];
$loginUrl = $helper->getLoginUrl('[MY FOLDER]/login-callback.php',$permissions);

File [MY FOLDER]/login-callback.php

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use FacebookFacebook;
use FacebookExceptionsFacebookResponseException;
use FacebookExceptionsFacebookSDKException;
use FacebookAuthentificationAccessToken;
use FacebookAdsApi;
use FacebookAdsObjectAdUser;
use FacebookAdsObjectCampaign;

$fb = new Facebook([
'app_id' => '000000000000', // censored
'app_secret' => '000000000000', // censored
$helper = $fb->getRedirectLoginHelper();
$accessToken = $helper->getAccessToken();
// This is actually wrapped in a try-catch control group
// I have left it out for this question, as there are no problems
// in this respect and the clauses are really long.
$campaign = new Campaign('000000000000'); // censored
try {
} catch(FacebookExceptionsFacebookResponseException $e) {
    // error with Graph API
} catch(FacebookExceptionsFacebookSDKException $e) {
    // error with Facebook SDK

The error occurs when trying to call $campaign->read(array(···)). The SDK returns the error above together with the tracking:

Stack trace:
#0 [API-FOLDER]/Http/Client.php
    (217): FacebookAdsHttpExceptionRequestException::create(Array, 400)
#1 [API-FOLDER]/Http/Request.php
    (282): FacebookAdsHttpClient->sendRequest(Object(FacebookAdsHttpRequest))
#2 [API-FOLDER]/Api.php
    (152): FacebookAdsHttpRequest->execute()
#3 [API-FOLDER]/Api.php
    (194): FacebookAds
in [API-FOLDER]/Http/Exception/RequestException.php
    on line 163

Here [API-FOLDER] = [MY FOLDER]/vendor/facebook/php-ads-sdk/src.

Note the demand in the error: …Ads API. Please update to the latest version: v2.8. But I have done this. Can someone please tell me, what on Earth is going on?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I have found a(n annoying) solution. I went to github and manually downloaded the latest version.

    This is ridiculous. I followed the official installation instructions on (create composer.json file incl. explicit version details —> execute terminal command php composer.phar install --no-dev). I don’t see why this does not work.

    Has anyone else encountered this problem? Or am I one of the few, for whom automatic installation did not lead to the right version?

  2. I think this might have to do with the login part. When initializing the Facebook class here,

    $fb = new Facebook([
      'app_id' => '000000000000', // censored
      'app_secret' => '000000000000', // censored

    you did not specify the API version to use – so it falls back to the lowest API version your app can use. Likely that messes up things later when you use the resulting token to make calls to the Marketing API.

    Try and explicitly specify the API version to use,

    $fb = new Facebook([
      'app_id' => '000000000000', // censored
      'app_secret' => '000000000000', // censored
      'default_graph_version' => 'v2.8',
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