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First of all I have found this url to get the public Instagram page info. Is this the correct way of accessing info or it can be broken any time in future? I have checked instagram api but I could not find client_credential support(actually I wanna access my Instagram public page from my server). Actually our server need to get and send this info to our native Android and IOS clients. What is the correct way to get page title/image/followers/following/description/posts(including likes and comments count)?



    • With out using instagram api,one can get info from instagram’s website.Here is demo of getting public profile picture of instagram’s user.

    • I have created api in nodejs to fetch profile picture of instagram’s user using cheerio module.And created frontend in angular2.As well as all this component deployed in Heroku Cloud.

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  1. Any hidden functionality is almost certain to be removed. You should always rely on the public APIs provided.

    You should make use of the Instagram Users API, for your particular use case.

    Ideal solution is, for every request from your Native Apps, you shouldn’t be calling the instagram API, else you may be throttled. You must call instagram API on demand and probably cache the result for an hour or so.

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