I’m using the Facebook Business API in order to collect data from my Ad Account. I would like to make an accounting script by getting spend amount on Facebook Ads everyday and put it automatically in a Google Sheet.
Currently, I managed to collect the data from my account. The problem is that I was expecting to have it in JSON to access the data I need to pass it into a class that would send it to Google Sheet.
But it seems to be a Cursor element and I have no idea how to pick the exact data I want from this object and I have no idea how to manipulate it by using Python.
Here’s my code :
def GetParam():
access_token = 'EAACWg1HnQekBAA0SmZA9wcYPfxio3K2U24Jp1OmfaXAzRHPBwEe3FxAxBg0L8EaLamvGHZAfNp3chYZAZCpHObRdU2En6YGWyqGRPuPRmqN2ZCeg2ZA9F9ybwythM1FCR23hOiG571kq7wXOMv6yWYPRljAJalozBVZCSeZCFCjHmHKI97u9eqPYzucHU5ZBLNEhZBoo1BvPPh9QZDZD'
ad_account_id = 'act_2270297423225223'
app_secret = 'b5731d443c5dca5b3412e385004816fa'
app_id = '165490758992361'
today = date.today()
today_format = today.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
fields = [
params = {
'time_range': {'since':today_format,'until': today_format},
'filtering': [],
'level': 'account',
'breakdowns': [],
return (AdAccount(ad_account_id).get_insights(
reponse = GetParam()
And here you have the result of the print()
[<AdsInsights> {
"cpm": "1.92389",
"date_start": "2021-08-18",
"date_stop": "2021-08-18",
"impressions": "946",
"spend": "1.82"
[Finished in 448ms]
I would like to focus on the ‘spend’ element.
Something like:
spend_amount = reponse.AdsInsights[spend]
I hope it’s clear enough, I’m a complete beginner and maybe the answer is absolutely obvious but I can’t find it..
Thank you so much.
I finally found the answer, here it is in case you face the same problem :
Here's the result :
The [0] allow us to access the first element of the cursor Object which is an object called 'AdsInsights'. Then it work like a dictionnary to access the data you need.
Since the response can contain a big number of data the API methods of the wrapper returns you a Iterator so you can iterate through the whole data in the loop.
But you always can convert iterator into the list, e.g.