I am trying to use facebook third-party login with Auth0 in my app.
Everytime I am trying to initiate a log in from the app and when I want it to open up the facebook app for login it first displays a dialog asking for user consent:
” [App] wants to log in with “auth0.com” This allows the app and website to share information about you “
I would like to remove this dialog completely since the user consent page is also displayed in the facebook app when asking for consent. I have the setting in auth0 for “Allow skipping user consent” on for the API in the dashboard.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
Thanks in advance
There is currently no way of having the alert message removed, we are experiencing the same issue on our apps.
I along with many others have filed a bug regarding this to Apple, asking them to show it only once or not at all. The end of this GitHub thread discusses the alert.
You can use the legacy solution.
It works, but I would not recommend it going forward.
If you use AppAuth:
Go to OIDExternalUserAgentIOS > line 117 after @available(iOS 13.0, *)
write this line :
authenticationVC.prefersEphemeralWebBrowserSession = true