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I am trying to login with facebook but i am getting too many redirect error. Please help me how to fix it.

I have tried Browser cookie clear does not work.

require 'facebook/facebook.php';
require 'config/fbconfig.php';
require 'config/functions.php';

$facebook = new Facebook(array(
            'appId' => APP_ID,
            'secret' => APP_SECRET,

$user = $facebook->getUser();

// I think i am not getting user. So i get 0 in user.
if ($user) {

  try {
    // Proceed knowing you have a logged in user who's authenticated.
    $user_profile = $facebook->api('/me');
  } catch (FacebookApiException $e) {
    $user = null;

    if (!empty($user_profile )) {
        # User info ok? Let's print it (Here we will be adding the login and registering routines)
        $username = $user_profile['name'];
        $uid = $user_profile['id'];
        $email = $user_profile['email'];
        $user = new User();

                $img = file_get_contents(''.$user_profile['id'].'/picture?type=large');
                $file = $_SESSION['SITE_IMG_PATH'].'userimage/'.$user_profile['id'].'.jpg';
                file_put_contents($file, $img);
        $userdata = $user->checkUser($uid, 'facebook', $username,$email,$twitter_otoken,$twitter_otoken_secret,$userimage);

            $_SESSION['frontuser_info'] = $userdata;


            header("Location: ".$_SESSION['APP_PATH']."".$Qparam);

    } else {
        # For testing purposes, if there was an error, let's kill the script
        die("There was an error.");
} else {

    # There's no active session, let's generate one

    $login_url = $facebook->getLoginUrl(array( 'scope' => 'email'));

    # i think it is always coming here thats error.
    header("Location: " . $login_url);


Please see code and help me to fix this redirection error i am always going in else part thats error.

Login with facebook error: ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS



  1. There seems to be some issue with your Facebook Plugin, that’s why $user coming as 0. There can be many other reason behind it too. You need to re-check your APP_ID and APP_SECRET as well.

    Most importantly, you need to follow below links and update accordingly.


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  2. In my case, i was requesting granted_scopes along with redirecting to provider

    then in callback – and as long as there are required scopes in array of declined scopes, i re-requested back but forgot to set granted scopes again, so i ended up in the redirect loop error between application and facebook. Maybe it’s your case too.

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  3. There is something wrong with Facebook dashboard at the time of this writing.

    You could wait for the fix or try skipping dashboard by editing the url by replacing “/dashboard/” with “/settings/basic/”.

    PS: I had checked browser extensions, cleared browsing history and cookies, disabled Web shields to no avail, only this worked.

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