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All I want to post an image on the instagram using Oauth2 & PHP pretty similar like wall post for Facebook and Tweet post for Twitter like:

User click on share on Instagram button from my website, they redirect to the Instagram app approval page, they approve and the image gets posted on their account.

I have searched almost entire internet for this requirement. But I didn’t get exact code to achieve this.

I have already checked these:

Some people says that it is not possible, Instagram doesn’t allow that.

So all I want is a clear answer whether is it possible or not? If yes then how?




  1. Clear answer

    It’s not possible and not official in any way. All the Unofficial APIs / packages / libraries… whaterver you might find are barely tentatives of reverse engineering of the traffic generated by the Instagram App.

    So they might work for a while, but then Instagram will block them.

    Think about it. If there’s somewhere an official way to upload stuff to instagram there will be a lot of alternative apps and spammers using it.

    If you don’t believe me, check the official API documentation. There’s no reference to the upload of pictures.

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  2. Post istagram image with caption using facebook api(business account - without login) 
    ref -
    define('FACEBOOK_SDK_V4_SRC_DIR', __DIR__.'/src/Facebook/');
        $instaData = [
                     'image_url' => 'image_url',
                     'caption' => htmlspecialchars('your message')
    $pageAccessToken ='your access token';
    $fb = new FacebookFacebook([
     'app_id' => 'fb_app_id',
     'app_secret' => 'app secrect',
     'default_graph_version' => 'v12.0',
    try {
     $response = $fb->post('INSTA_PAGE_ID/media/?', $instaData, $pageAccessToken);
    } catch(FacebookExceptionsFacebookResponseException $e) {
     echo 'Graph returned an error: '.$e->getMessage();
    } catch(FacebookExceptionsFacebookSDKException $e) {
     echo 'Facebook SDK returned an error: '.$e->getMessage();
    $graphNode = $response->getGraphNode();
    $creation_id = json_decode($graphNode);
    $publish_image = [
                     'creation_id' => intval($creation_id->id)
    try {
     $response1 = $fb->post('INSTA_PAGE_ID/media_publish/?', $publish_image, $pageAccessToken);
    } catch(FacebookExceptionsFacebookResponseException $e) {
     echo 'Graph returned an error: '.$e->getMessage();
    } catch(FacebookExceptionsFacebookSDKException $e) {
     echo 'Facebook SDK returned an error: '.$e->getMessage();
    echo "<pre>"; print_r($response1); echo "</pre>";
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