I have updated my Xcode to 15.0 and now its start giving me this error.
ABSL_CONST_INIT extern "C" const int64_t kFIRFirestoreCacheSizeUnlimited =
// An attribute list cannot appear here
I have gone through XCode 15.0 Release – firebase-ios-sdk bug: An attribute list cannot appear here issue on github but it does’t provide support for swiftPackage manger.
update Firebase to v10 or change the line to
I encountered the same issue while integrating the Firebase in my iOS application project. What What I did to overcome the issue is that i updated the Firebase version to 10.`enteplatform :ios, ‘13.0’
target ‘Flash Chat iOS13’ do
Pods for Flash Chat iOS13
pod ‘CLTypingLabel’ , ‘~> 0.4.0’
pod ‘FirebaseAuth’
pod ‘FirebaseFirestore’ , ‘~> 10.0’
r code here`