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Is the package Xamarin.Firebase.Common supposed to be able to get installed on the shared Xamarin project?

I try to install it, but I get an error:

Error NU1202 Package Xamarin.Firebase.Common is not
compatible with netstandard2.0 (.NETStandard,Version=v2.0). Package
Xamarin.Firebase.Common supports:

  • monoandroid12.0 (MonoAndroid,Version=v12.0)
  • net6.0-android31.0 (.NETCoreApp,Version=v6.0)

Both Target Framework and Target Android Version are set to Android 13 for the Android project.



  1. Just as ewerspej said, you need to install the Xamarin.Firebase.Common pakcage in the xamarin.forms project’s android part.

    And then, you can create a class in the android part and use the FirebaseNetworkException in the class’s method. After that, you can use the dependency service to call the method in the shared Xamarin project.

    For more information, you can refer to the official document about the Xamarin.Forms DependencyService Introduction.

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  2. First of all, you cannot use the Xamarin.Firebase.Common package, which has a dependency on Android, in the shared project of your Xamarin.Forms app.

    Secondly, you cannot use native exceptions in the shared, cross-platform context. Therefore, you won’t have access to FirebaseNetworkException, etc. in the shared project.

    Instead, since you’re already using the Plugin.FirebaseAuth, you need to catch FirebaseAuthException instead, which wraps the different platform-specific exceptions and hides them behind error codes.

    Your code should be looking something like this:

        var provider = new OAuthProvider("");
        var result = await CrossFirebaseAuth.Current.Instance.SignInWithProviderAsync(provider);
    catch (FirebaseAuthException e)
            case ErrorType.NetWork:
                //handle network error 
            case InvalidCredentials:
                //handle invalid credentials
            default: break;

    There’s a full list for the mapping of the ErrorType enum to the Firebase exceptions in the documentation.

    Therefore, wherever you need to catch an exception, you can check the ErrorType and perform the appropriate operation or show an error message to the user.

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