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I get this error:

Member not found: ‘FirebaseAppPlatform.verifyExtends’.

flutter clean
flutter pub get
pod install



  1. I could be wrong about this solution, but there was a bug introduced in some firebase packages because breaking changes were added to a minor/patch. The quick fix for me was to specify the exact version of the firebase_core_platform_interface in my pubspec.yaml:

    firebase_core_platform_interface: 4.5.1

    After flutter clean this satisfied my packages relying on firebase_core_platform_interface "^4.5.1" and prevented introducing the breaking changes by utilizing 4.5.2 (in this case verifyExtends being renamed verify? whoops).

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  2. I think this solved my futterfire-induced morning problem:
    Hard 4.5.1 dependency… /pubspec.yaml ->

      firebase_core_platform_interface: 4.5.1
      firebase_messaging: ^13.0.4 # will satisfy your firebase core things that depend on ^4.5.1

    Github ref:

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  3. A breaking changes was done,few hours ago.Try this works.For more info see github issue:

    firebase_core_platform_interface: 4.5.1
    firebase_messaging: ^13.0.4 # will satisfy your firebase core things that depend on ^4.5.1
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  4. I had the same problem. Some of my plugins were running on older outdated packages and there has been a major version upgrade as mentioned by others. When running flutter pub upgrade, it only upgrades to the latest minor version. To fix this, I did the following:

    flutter pub upgrade --major-versions

    to upgrade to the latest supported major-versions. After that, everything worked great!

    Please be aware that this may introduce some breaking changes in your code. But here at least, you may be able to fix your code to run on the latest library packages and run your app.

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  5. firebase_core_platform_interface: 4.5.1

    Try adding this package in pubspec.yaml to force install 4.5.1,

    4.5.2 has major changes, which was being automatically downloaded by firebase_core

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  6. If you need to maintain the current dependency version, you can add the dependency override to your root pubspec.yaml to fix this too.
    If you use multiple local packages in your project, this makes it so you don’t have to update all your pubspec.yaml files

      firebase_core_platform_interface: 4.5.1

    As of 10/6/22, there was an update with breaking changes. So you can run the following script to update your dependencies their next major versions.

    flutter pub upgrade --major-versions

    After adding this, run the following commands to update the iOS project’s pods

    cd ios && pod deintegrate
    rm -f Podfile.lock
    flutter packages get
    pod install --repo-update
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  7. Keep it simple, just update the Firebase dependencies.
    If you have multiple firebase dependencies you can do as follows


    and then run

    flutter clean
    flutter pub get
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  8. Changing the compileSdkVersion to 33 solved the issue for me,

    In the app/build.gradle

    android {
        compileSdkVersion 33 
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  9. Update firebase_cli to latest version

    For macOS

    curl -sL | upgrade=true bash

    Then activate firebase_cli globally

    dart pub global activate flutterfire_cli

    Then update flutterfire

    flutterfire update

    Then upgrade all flutter packages

    flutter pub upgrade --major-versions

    Also, stay on firebase_core: 2.1.1

    Reference :

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  10. When it comes to errors that sound like this:

    Member not found: 'FirebaseAppPlatform.verifyExtends'

    Then indeed the issue is related to using older versions of the firebase_core_platform_interface. By the time I’m answering this question, the latest version is 4.5.2:

    firebase_core_platform_interface: 4.5.2

    So the general recommendation is to always use the latest versions.

    Where can you find the newer versions that are released?

    In the official documentation that exists in the link below:

    Where should you place it?

    In the pubspec.yaml file.

    How to update to the latest version by command line?

    flutter pub upgrade --major-versions
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  11. I was facing the same problem while using

    firebase_core: 2.1.0

    But the problem is solved in

    firebase_core: 2.2.0
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  12. solve my problem updating my firebase dependenceses

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  13. It happens because you have upgraded the flutter SDK but not the associated packages which are compatible with it.
    Go to "" and update the versions in all the firebase products (e.g. firebase_core, firebase_auth, etc) to the latest available package.
    Just updating the "firebase_core_platform_interface" might not solve future problems in production.

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  14. Root cause

    You are update or installing only a subset of the Firebase plugins (firebase_core, firebase_analytics,…)


    Solution 1: (preferred) Updating to the latest version with flutterfire update check the docs here. But it is not easily because your project will have a lot of packages dependencies to each other like flutter version 2 or 3, so on. Anyway, it is long term solution.

    Solution 2: (Fix to run) You can add to your pubspec.yaml

        firebase_core_platform_interface: 4.5.1

    Solution 3: (Fix to run) Update dependencies with this below command line:

    flutter pub upgrade --major-versions

    Finally, Run the project again by following stuffs:

    flutter clean
    flutter pub get
    cd ios && rm -f Podfile.lock
    cd ios && pod install --repo-update
    flutter run

    That’s it!

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  15. Updating firebase packages to the latest versions solved this issue.

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  16. flutter pub upgrade --major-versions
    flutter run

    So this error occurred because I was following an old course. I simply went and ran these two commands to solve the issue

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  17. I did get the same error. Problem seems to be with firebase packages, maybe bug or break in version. You can try any one of below:

    // Try add this to dependencies section in pubspec.yaml file
    firebase_core_platform_interface: 4.5.1


    // run this in terminal
    flutter pub upgrade --major-versions

    Please check this answer as well

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  18. Upgrade firebase_core, firebase_storage, cloud_firestore, firebase_auth etc. (firebase packages) one by one, by using the following command flutter pub upgrade [package_name]. Hopefully this helps.

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  19. Add in pubspc.yaml

    firebase_core_platform_interface: ^4.5.1

    enter image description here

    Then go to pubspec.lock

    firebase_core_platform_interface: ^4.5.2


    firebase_core_platform_interface: ^4.5.1

    enter image description here


    Write in terminal

    flutter clean


    flutter pub get
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  20. If none of the previous solutions works,

    simply change the cache file [firebase_app.dart] like below,

    FirebaseAppPlatform.verifyExtends(_var) to FirebaseAppPlatform.verify(_var)

    It works like a charm, if didn’t work for you then revert the change you made.

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