I have a firebase document with user data which contains ans array of project ids
I thought with this I could get every single id at once in the console log. But instead in every passthrough it logs all containing ids . Where am I mistaken?
const usersDocRef: AngularFirestoreDocument<any> = this.userCollectionRef.doc(this.userId);
usersDocRef.snapshotChanges().pipe(switchMap((ref) => {
const usersProjectIds = ref.payload.data().projects;
return from(usersProjectIds);
})).subscribe((id) => {
I just found out that the problem is in the snapshotChanges()-method.
In the metadata of the payload the 'haspendingWrites'-property seems to change on every passthrough which causes a new emit for the snapshotChanges:
Now Iworked around with the get()-method. I am not very happy with that, because I expect a more reactive app behavior with the snapshotChange.
But owed to my few experience with Angular and RxJS I just keep going with it.
Thank you very much for everyone that has tried to help me.
You can do 2 things, the first one is to use instead of
another operator calledof
that does exacly what you want, but i raccomand you to use amap
instad ofswitchMap
like the following example, because in this case there is no need to recreate an observable. Just use what you get from the response and do a map.