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I’m trying to integrate firestore into my nestjs app. When i try to retrieve data from firestore using where clause without variable(hardcoded value) i was able to retrieve data but when i use a variable i just receive empty array.

Here is the code i try to retrieve data from firestore.

  async getUserPosts(userId: number): Promise<PostsDocument[]> {
    this.logger.log(`Getting posts for user with ID: ${userId}`);
    const snapshot = await this.postsCollection
       .where('userId', '==', userId)
    const posts: PostsDocument[] = [];
    snapshot.forEach((doc) => {
       this.logger.debug(`Found post: ${}`);
     return posts;

When i replace userId variable in where clause with 1 i was receiving data but this doesn’t work.

[Nest] 1854 - 07/31/2022, 10:09:58 AM LOG [PostsService] Getting posts for user with ID: 1

I did verify that userId is received based on above log.

this is my controller code

  getUserPosts(@Query() query: { userId: number }) {
    if (query.userId) {
        return this.postsService.getUserPosts(query.userId);
    } else {
        return this.postsService.getPosts();

firestore console document screenshot
firebase console document screenshot for .collection("posts") .where("userId", "==", 1)

 VsCode Debug view



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Thanks a lot to @Renaud Tarnec and @Frank van Puffelen for helping out.

    Issue: typescript number variable considered as string in while clause.

    Fix: passing userId as Number(userID) instead of userId fixed issue

    const snapshot = await this.postsCollection
          .where('userId', '==', Number(userId))

  2. When you use the where() method in order to build a Query it is very important that the value passed as third parameter is of the same type than the field declared as first parameter.

    As shown in the comments under your question, after some debugging it appeared that you were passing a string as field value for a field that is of type number. Hence the empty QuerySnapshot.

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