I was recommended on my previous post by a community member regarding the use of firebase firestore database to download an app called make-it-so that uses firestore database, in order to learn how it works. I have tried a few times to make the app work but I keep on getting this error, any idea why? Any help is much appreciated!
Error message: https://gyazo.com/8b8d41eddc9b176c376b3e98c2c249e7
error: InjectProcessingStep was unable to process 'AccountServiceImpl(com.google.firebase.auth.FirebaseAuth)' because 'User' could not be resolved.
Dependency trace:
=> element (CLASS): com.example.makeitso.model.service.impl.AccountServiceImpl
=> element (METHOD): getCurrentUser()
=> type (EXECUTABLE method): ()kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow<User>
=> type (DECLARED return type): kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow<User>
=> type (ERROR type argument): User
If type 'User' is a generated type, check above for compilation errors that may have prevented the type from being generated. Otherwise, ensure that type 'User' is on your classpath.
error: InjectProcessingStep was unable to process 'SplashViewModel(ConfigurationService,com.example.makeitso.model.service.AccountService,com.example.makeitso.model.service.LogService)' because 'ConfigurationService' could not be resolved.
Dependency trace:
=> element (CLASS): com.example.makeitso.screens.splash.SplashViewModel
=> element (CONSTRUCTOR): SplashViewModel(ConfigurationService,com.example.makeitso.model.service.AccountService,com.example.makeitso.model.service.LogService)
=> type (EXECUTABLE constructor): (ConfigurationService,com.example.makeitso.model.service.AccountService,com.example.makeitso.model.service.LogService)void
=> type (ERROR parameter type): ConfigurationService
If type 'ConfigurationService' is a generated type, check above for compilation errors that may have prevented the type from being generated. Otherwise, ensure that type 'ConfigurationService' is on your classpath.
error: InjectProcessingStep was unable to process 'TasksViewModel(com.example.makeitso.model.service.LogService,com.example.makeitso.model.service.StorageService,ConfigurationService)' because 'ConfigurationService' could not be resolved.
Dependency trace:
=> element (CLASS): com.example.makeitso.screens.tasks.TasksViewModel
=> element (FIELD): configurationService
=> type (ERROR field): ConfigurationService
If type 'ConfigurationService' is a generated type, check above for compilation errors that may have prevented the type from being generated. Otherwise, ensure that type 'ConfigurationService' is on your classpath.
error: ModuleProcessingStep was unable to process 'com.example.makeitso.model.service.module.ServiceModule' because 'ConfigurationServiceImpl' could not be resolved.
InjectProcessingStep was unable to process 'AccountServiceImpl(com.google.firebase.auth.FirebaseAuth)' because 'User' could not be resolved.
Dependency trace:
=> element (CLASS): com.example.makeitso.model.service.module.ServiceModule
=> element (METHOD): provideConfigurationService(ConfigurationServiceImpl)
=> type (EXECUTABLE method): (ConfigurationServiceImpl)ConfigurationService
=> type (ERROR parameter type): ConfigurationServiceImpl
If type 'ConfigurationServiceImpl' is a generated type, check above for compilation errors that may have prevented the type from being generated. Otherwise, ensure that type 'ConfigurationServiceImpl' is on your classpath.
error: BindingMethodProcessingStep was unable to process 'provideAccountService(com.example.makeitso.model.service.impl.AccountServiceImpl)' because 'ConfigurationServiceImpl' could not be resolved.
Dependency trace:
=> element (CLASS): com.example.makeitso.model.service.module.ServiceModule
=> element (METHOD): provideConfigurationService(ConfigurationServiceImpl)
=> type (EXECUTABLE method): (ConfigurationServiceImpl)ConfigurationService
=> type (ERROR parameter type): ConfigurationServiceImpl
If type 'ConfigurationServiceImpl' is a generated type, check above for compilation errors that may have prevented the type from being generated. Otherwise, ensure that type 'ConfigurationServiceImpl' is on your classpath.
error: BindingMethodProcessingStep was unable to process 'provideLogService(com.example.makeitso.model.service.impl.LogServiceImpl)' because 'ConfigurationServiceImpl' could not be resolved.
Dependency trace:
=> element (CLASS): com.example.makeitso.model.service.module.ServiceModule
=> element (METHOD): provideConfigurationService(ConfigurationServiceImpl)
=> type (EXECUTABLE method): (ConfigurationServiceImpl)ConfigurationService
=> type (ERROR parameter type): ConfigurationServiceImpl
If type 'ConfigurationServiceImpl' is a generated type, check above for compilation errors that may have prevented the type from being generated. Otherwise, ensure that type 'ConfigurationServiceImpl' is on your classpath.
error: BindingMethodProcessingStep was unable to process 'provideStorageService(com.example.makeitso.model.service.impl.StorageServiceImpl)' because 'ConfigurationServiceImpl' could not be resolved.
Dependency trace:
=> element (CLASS): com.example.makeitso.model.service.module.ServiceModule
=> element (METHOD): provideConfigurationService(ConfigurationServiceImpl)
=> type (EXECUTABLE method): (ConfigurationServiceImpl)ConfigurationService
=> type (ERROR parameter type): ConfigurationServiceImpl
If type 'ConfigurationServiceImpl' is a generated type, check above for compilation errors that may have prevented the type from being generated. Otherwise, ensure that type 'ConfigurationServiceImpl' is on your classpath.
error: BindingMethodProcessingStep was unable to process 'provideConfigurationService(ConfigurationServiceImpl)' because 'ConfigurationServiceImpl' could not be resolved.
Dependency trace:
=> element (CLASS): com.example.makeitso.model.service.module.ServiceModule
=> element (METHOD): provideConfigurationService(ConfigurationServiceImpl)
=> type (EXECUTABLE method): (ConfigurationServiceImpl)ConfigurationService
=> type (ERROR parameter type): ConfigurationServiceImpl
If type 'ConfigurationServiceImpl' is a generated type, check above for compilation errors that may have prevented the type from being generated. Otherwise, ensure that type 'ConfigurationServiceImpl' is on your classpath.
InjectProcessingStep was unable to process 'SplashViewModel(ConfigurationService,com.example.makeitso.model.service.AccountService,com.example.makeitso.model.service.LogService)' because 'ConfigurationService' could not be resolved.
InjectProcessingStep was unable to process 'TasksViewModel(com.example.makeitso.model.service.LogService,com.example.makeitso.model.service.StorageService,ConfigurationService)' because 'ConfigurationService' could not be resolved.
ModuleProcessingStep was unable to process 'com.example.makeitso.model.service.module.ServiceModule' because 'ConfigurationServiceImpl' could not be resolved.
BindingMethodProcessingStep was unable to process 'provideAccountService(com.example.makeitso.model.service.impl.AccountServiceImpl)' because 'ConfigurationServiceImpl' could not be resolved.
BindingMethodProcessingStep was unable to process 'provideLogService(com.example.makeitso.model.service.impl.LogServiceImpl)' because 'ConfigurationServiceImpl' could not be resolved.
BindingMethodProcessingStep was unable to process 'provideStorageService(com.example.makeitso.model.service.impl.StorageServiceImpl)' because 'ConfigurationServiceImpl' could not be resolved.
BindingMethodProcessingStep was unable to process 'provideConfigurationService(ConfigurationServiceImpl)' because 'ConfigurationServiceImpl' could not be resolved.
> Task :app:kaptDevDebugKotlin FAILED
Execution failed for task ':app:kaptDevDebugKotlin'.
> A failure occurred while executing org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.internal.KaptWithoutKotlincTask$KaptExecutionWorkAction
> java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException (no error message)
* Try:
> Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
> Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
> Run with --scan to get full insights.
Answering as Community wiki, As mentioned by Alex Mamo in above comments.
If you want to learn how to create a simple app using Firestore and Jetpack Compose, I think that this resource will definitely help. Here is the corresponding repo. Or you might be interested in reading this series.
You can refer to these Link1 and Link2 which may help you.
go in the project bar and change android view to project
once done check if the google-services.json file exixt if it not there ask for it to the owner project and then it will work