I have an existing Google Cloud Function that I am trying to call. I want to pass into it an Id and with that Id, the cloud function can run its operation in the background. I am new to cloud functions and would appreciate the help. When I call the function, I get the error "POST….500" and the error message says "INTERNAL". Here is the code I use to call the cloud function, I have declared a function that I call in an onClick event in a button:
import { httpsCallable } from "firebase/functions";
import { functions } from "../../../firebase/firebase";
/* Below is how I call the cloud function */
// handle payment confirmation
const handlePayment = async () => {
const confirmPayment = httpsCallable(
.then((response) => {
if (response.status === "success") {
} else {
.catch((error) => {
console.log("Payment Confirmation Error: ", error);
Kindly help!! Thanks.
It sounds like maybe the error is on the cloud side, not your calling code. Give that a look…
As per documentations Cloud functions in app are called with arguments like as follows
According to the same documentation, it will work for cloud functions as well. The parameters for cloud functions are received in HTTP responses. You can use JSON-like syntax to send those arguments to the cloud function.