First off, let me say that I probably worded my question terribly… sorry.
I currently have a useEffect in my application that when you load my page it takes the data from my Firestore collection and sets it to an array to map on screen with a component. It works perfectly fine, however after about 10 minutes of running my application I receive the error "@firebase/firestore: Firestore (9.15.0): Uncaught Error in snapshot listener: FirebaseError: [code=resource-exhausted]: Quota exceeded.".
I added a console log and it looks like this is because my useEffect is constantly trying to read the data from the collection in firestore.
My question is, is there a way to only make this useEffect update the data / run when a new collection is added or deleted / modified?
import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
import '../index.css';
import './Home.css';
import Note from '../components/Note';
import { useAuth } from '../contexts/AuthContext';
import { db } from '../firebase';
import { ReactComponent as Add } from '../imgs/add.svg';
import { doc, onSnapshot, query, collection } from 'firebase/firestore';
function Home() {
// Firebase states
const { currentUser } = useAuth();
const noteboardCollectionRef = collection(db, `users/${currentUser.uid}/noteboard-app`);
// useStates
const [notes, setNotes] = useState([]);
const q = query(noteboardCollectionRef)
const noteboardFirebase = onSnapshot(q, (querySnapshot)=>{
let noteArr = []
noteArr.push({, id:})
return noteboardFirebase;
// Start of all functions
return (
<div className='home-container'>
<div className='home-header flex'>
<h1 className='font-carter-one'>Noteboard</h1>
<div className='home-header-dark-container'>
<label className='font-carter-one'>Dark Mode</label>
<span className='home-header-dark-mode'>
<input type='checkbox' checked/>
<span className='dark-mode-slider pointer'/>
<div className='home-body flex-center-all'>
<div className='home-new-note flex-center-all flex-column pointer' onClick={()=>{setAddNoteModal(true)}}>
<Add className='pointer' id='new-note'/>
<h2 className='font-carter-one'>Add Note</h2>
{, index) => <Note key={index} note={note} />))}
export default Home;
Thank you in advanced!
You are facing this error because you dont have dependencies in the useEffect i.e
Because of which the useEffect runs every time the page is rendered , which is causing to make unlimited requests to the server which is leading to
quota exceeded error
in firebaseIf array is null i.e
then it runs only the first time the page is rendered.If you want the useEffect to run only when the firestore is changed add dependency of
will run only when there is change innotes
!!Your final code should look like:
Add dependency to [] like this:
when dependency is changed, doSomething() will run again.
You can see detail in here!
So, as for your question you should edit code to this:
You could use onSnapshot() to make this happen something like this ;