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I want to change icons based on information fetched from the database. How can I do that?

if(documentSnapshot['visiting period']=="Sold"){


Can anyone help with this as I get the error

The element type 'List<Icon>' can't be assigned to the list type 'Widget'.



  1. You can use ternary operator inside the icon widget like this

    Icon(true ? : Icons.abc_rounded)

    replace true with your condition.
    the value after ? will be called if the condition is true and the value after : will be called when condition is false

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  2. You can achieve that using two way.

    documentSnapshot['visiting period']=="Sold" ?  Icon(MyIcons.aquas) : Icon(MyIcons.(your icon name);


    Icon(documentSnapshot['visiting period']=="Sold" ? MyIcons.aquas : Icon(MyIcons.(your icon name));
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  3. Try this

    Icon(documentSnapshot['visiting period']=="Sold"? : Icons.two)),
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  4. You can create a method that returns an icon.

    body: Container(
        _getApplicableIcon(documentSnapshot['visiting period']);
    _getApplicableIcon(String visitingPeriod) {
        switch (visitingPeriod) {
        case "Sold":
           return Icon(MyIcons.aquas);
        case "Not Sold":
           return Icon(MyIcons.elseIcon);
           return Icon(MyIcons.defaultIcon);

    If you dont want an icon as default you can return container();

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