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I am trying to store ‘yes’ if a person clicks on the radio button with id – "negotiable" else stores ‘no’ if clicked on id ‘nonNegotiable’ or when nothing is selected.

Kotlin Function

private fun addProduct(): HashMap<String, String?> {
        val sProductId = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
        val sItemName = findViewById<EditText>(
        val sItemCategory = selectedValue
        val sDescription = findViewById<EditText>(
        val sPrice = findViewById<EditText>(
        val radioGroup = findViewById<RadioGroup>(
        var sNegotiable: String? = null

        radioGroup.setOnCheckedChangeListener { group, checkedId ->
            sNegotiable = if (checkedId == {
            } else {
        return hashMapOf(
            "productId" to sProductId,
            "itemName" to sItemName,
            "itemCategory" to sItemCategory,
            "description" to sDescription,
            "price" to sPrice,
            "negotiable" to sNegotiable

Xml code –


            android:text="@string/negotiable" />

            android:text="@string/non_negotiable" />

I am storing this in firebase firestore and it is storing null in negotiable.



  1. The problem that you’re facing here is due to the fact that your function is probably returning waaaay before the click listener is registered, and calls you back.

    Instead, you should make an effort to update whatever it is that you’re trying to update with the return hasMapOf(...) call, probably in an async way as to avoid any complications.

    Try to refactor your code to something like this instead:

    interface Callback {
        fun onRadioButtonClicked(values: HashMap<String, String?>)
    private fun addProduct(callback: Callback) {
            val sProductId = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
            val sItemName = findViewById<EditText>(
            val sItemCategory = selectedValue
            val sDescription = findViewById<EditText>(
            val sPrice = findViewById<EditText>(
            val radioGroup = findViewById<RadioGroup>(
            var sNegotiable: String? = null
            radioGroup.setOnCheckedChangeListener { group, checkedId ->
                sNegotiable = if (checkedId == {
                } else {
                        "productId" to sProductId,
                        "itemName" to sItemName,
                        "itemCategory" to sItemCategory,
                        "description" to sDescription,
                        "price" to sPrice,
                        "negotiable" to sNegotiable

    This way, you’ll get notified every time a radio button is clicked, and therefore the data changes, and you’ll be able to act accordingly every time that happens. Of course, you’ll want to unregister the callback once you’re done, as to avoid having any memory leaks, or any other kind of unforeseen issue!

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  2. setOnCheckedChangeListeneris an async function, code inside the listener is not executed immediately, so when you return the HashMap, sNegotiable might still be null because the listener may not have been triggered yet.

    One way to handle this is by using a callback to update your HashMap after the RadioGroup selection changes. Here’s an example:

    private fun addProduct(callback: (HashMap<String, String?>) -> Unit) {
        val sProductId = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
        val sItemName = findViewById<EditText>(
        val sItemCategory = selectedValue
        val sDescription = findViewById<EditText>(
        val sPrice = findViewById<EditText>(
        val radioGroup = findViewById<RadioGroup>(
        var sNegotiable: String? = null
        radioGroup.setOnCheckedChangeListener { group, checkedId ->
            sNegotiable = if (checkedId == {
            } else {
            // Call the callback with the updated HashMap
                "productId" to sProductId,
                "itemName" to sItemName,
                "itemCategory" to sItemCategory,
                "description" to sDescription,
                "price" to sPrice,
                "negotiable" to sNegotiable
    // Example of how to use the addProduct function with a callback
    addProduct { hashMap ->
        // Now you can use the updated HashMap
        // For example, you can save it to Firebase Firestore here
        // firestore.collection("yourCollection").document("yourDocument").set(hashMap)

    By using a callback, you ensure that the HashMap is updated after the RadioGroup selection changes and before you return it. Adjust this example according to your specific use case and how you interact with Firebase Firestore.

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