I am iterating over an object from firestore subcollection and I can only console log the result, but I am not able to add the result in a state to use it in a flat list. I tried many ways to get the result in an array but no success.
const [order, setOrder] = useState()
const fetchOrder = async()=>{
const orderRef = doc(db, "Order", route.params.orderId)
const orderCollectionRef = collection(orderRef, "products")
const q = await query(orderCollectionRef)
const getOrder =await getDocs(q)
//i can console log the result but i want to get it in a state to use it in flatlist
you can see example in in this main page site, i saw something similar that work
I hope this helps, creating a temp array then push the orders using forEach, then using setState.
I am not sure whether if you want to have it in the right order as the original, for safe, you may also consider to use ‘for await of’ instead of forEach