I have already got the data from firestore into recyclerView.
Now i want to order those documents by the numbers which is in each documents.
The document which has the highest number must be in top ,
And document which has the lowest number must be in below of the recyclerView.
my code which i used to retrieve data from firestore
private fun eventChangeListener() {
db = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance()
.addSnapshotListener(object : EventListener<QuerySnapshot>{
override fun onEvent(value: QuerySnapshot?, error: FirebaseFirestoreException?) {
if (error != null){
Log.e("Firestore Error",error.message.toString())
for (dc: DocumentChange in value?.documentChanges!!){
if (dc.type == DocumentChange.Type.ADDED){
numbers of the documents are given in the field "hike".
You are using the wrong order direction, it should be "Descending"
It should be:
There is another way too, you can order after you get data.