I have an application on vue 3. I need to get a link to a document from the repository. At the moment, I always get a promise, which is how it should be. But I should get a link to the document, but it doesn’t. Why is this happening?
async FetchData({ state, commit }, to) {
try {
commit("setLoading", true);
const q = query(collection(db, to));
await onSnapshot(q, (querySnapshot) => {
const data = [];
querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
let films = async (to) => {
const starsRef = ref(storage, `images/${doc.id}/poster.png`);
return await getDownloadURL(starsRef);
// const poster=`gs://cell-11ef4.appspot.com/images/${doc.id}/poster.png`
let item = {
id: doc.id,
name: doc.data().name,
slug: doc.data().slug,
country: doc.data().country,
duration: doc.data().duration,
year: doc.data().year,
video: doc.data().video,
genres: doc.data().genres,
actors: doc.data().actors,
poster: to === "films" ? films() : null,
// BipPoster: url,
// Get the download URL
commit("setData", { data, to });
} catch (err) {
} finally {
commit("setLoading", false);
let url = async () => {
let url;
const starsRef = ref(storage, `images/${doc.id}/poster.png`);
await getDownloadURL(starsRef).then((p) => {
url = p;
return url;
What i get
You should use
as follows:Map the documents collection to an array of promises that resolve with the full item data, including download URL and await them all with Promise.all().
You’re also registering a real-time updates listener which seems counter to what you seem to want
to do. I would suggest you want to usegetDocs()
instead ofonSnapshot()
If you did want to register a real-time updates listener, do so in an effect hook where you can also remove the listener in a cleanup