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I develop the flutter app connected with Firebase.
The app work well on mobile devices, but when i try to build web i get this error:

/D:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The method 'delete' isn't defined for the class 'AppJsImpl'.
- 'AppJsImpl' is from 'package:firebase_database_web/src/interop/app_interop.dart' ('/D:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named 'delete'.
 Future delete() => core_interop.handleThenable(jsObject.delete());

I tried to put firebase_database_web: ^0.1.2+1 in pubspec.yaml, but error is still here.
Did someone have the same problem, and how are you fixed?




  1. I have tackled the issue by adding a row in the "app_interop.dart" file.


    abstract class AppJsImpl extends core_interop.AppJsImpl {
      external DatabaseJsImpl database(String? databaseURL);


    abstract class AppJsImpl extends core_interop.AppJsImpl {
      external DatabaseJsImpl database(String? databaseURL);
      external dynamic delete();
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  2. Add the latest version of firebase_database_web to your pubspec.yaml

    Fixed it for me.

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