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I’m trying to connect Firebase Storage to my flutter project. But I got an error

[ERROR:flutter/runtime/] Unhandled
Exception: [firebase_storage/channel-error] Unable to establish
connection on channel.

I’ve found that it could be problem with rules because I’ve used firebase auth. But my rules in the storage looks like this:

rules_version = '2';
    service {
    match /b/{bucket}/o {
    match /{allPaths=**} {
      allow read, write : if request.auth !=null;

I’ve also tried :

allow read, write : if true

but it has the same problem

I’ve changed my build.gradle by adding dependencies


My Code:

Reference get firebaseStorage => FirebaseStorage.instance.ref();

    class FirebaseStorageService extends GetxService{
    static Future<String?> getImage(String? imgName) async{

    if(imgName == null){
      return null;
     var urlRef = firebaseStorage

     var imgUrl = await urlRef.getDownloadURL(); //here is a problem

     return imgUrl;
    }catch (e){
      throw e;
      return null;



  1. Normally Ai give us this kind of answer

    void main() async {
      await Firebase.initializeApp();

    But i have to put some more information for the connection here is my code

    void main() async {
      if(Platform.isAndroid) {
        await Firebase.initializeApp(
            options: FirebaseOptions(
                apiKey: 'AIzaSyB9m84p8Y_SY6isFvMaOFWOA2g4xKrb6Nc',
                appId: '1:773723122783:android:b26d30ed175962b3413fea',
                messagingSenderId: '773723122783',
                projectId: 'untitled-38d04')
      runApp(const MyApp());

    check both of them and put it in main screeen hope it will help

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  2. Is it Flutter for WEB?

    If so, this is most likely a CORS problem:

    1. add file cors.json

    2. insert content below

    3. run: gsutil cors set cors.json gs://<bucket_name>

      "origin": [
      "method": [
      "maxAgeSeconds": 3600,
      "responseHeader": [

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