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I found in documentation that is only possible using the console. That is true? I think that should exists a way that I can do that via api, no?




  1. How can I create a tenant with social provider with firebase admin SDK?. I found in documentation that is only possible using the console

    The doc you refer to explains that:

    Using the Admin SDK, you can
    manage tenants programmatically from a secure server environment
    instead of using the console. This includes the ability to create,
    list, get, modify, or delete tenants

    and you can find the following example for creating a tenant. Note that by "secure server environment" the doc means a server you own on which you execute Admin SDK code or a Cloud Function.

      displayName: 'myTenant1',
      emailSignInConfig: {
        enabled: true,
        passwordRequired: false, // Email link sign-in enabled.
      // TODO: Remove if you don't want to enable multi-factor authentication.
      multiFactorConfig: {
        state: 'ENABLED',
        factorIds: ['phone']
      // TODO: Remove if you don't want to register test phone numbers for use
      // with multi-factor authentication.
      testPhoneNumbers: {
        '+16505551234': '145678',
        '+16505550000': '123456'
    .then((createdTenant) => {
    .catch((error) => {
      // Handle error.
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  2. I know this is a bit late but it looks like adding social logins to a tenant via the admin sdk is not supported at the moment. See this doc

    My best reporoduction of the table in markdown

    Feature Google Cloud Console Admin SDK
    Email X X
    OIDC X X
    SAML X X
    Social X
    MFA X X
    Anonymous X
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  3. Your client side code is what enables the various social provider sign-in’s. In other words, the admin SDK has nothing to do with it.

    To setup the various social providers, see Firebase Authentication.

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