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Any details to customize the In-App messaging? Can I show a customized popup with two buttons and the header title and subtitle for the popup using Firebase In-app messaging in ios?

Any sample or details on how to customize this?



  1. To customize the display of In-App Messages in your app, you need to implement the FIRInAppMessagingDisplayDelegate protocol. This allows you to provide a custom display for your In-App Messages.

    Here’s an example of how you can customize the In-App Message display:

    import FirebaseInAppMessaging
    class CustomInAppMessagingDisplayDelegate: NSObject, FIRInAppMessagingDisplayDelegate {
        func messageClicked(_ inAppMessage: FIRInAppMessagingDisplayMessage, with action: FIRInAppMessagingAction) {
            // Handle the click action for the In-App message
        func messageDismissed(_ inAppMessage: FIRInAppMessagingDisplayMessage, dismissType: FIRInAppMessagingDismissType) {
            // Handle the dismiss action for the In-App message
        func messageWillDisplay(_ inAppMessage: FIRInAppMessagingDisplayMessage) {
            // Customize the display of the In-App message
            // Access the message components
            let title = inAppMessage.messageContent.title.text
            let subtitle = inAppMessage.messageContent.body.text
            let actionButton1 = inAppMessage.messageContent.actionButton?[0]
            let actionButton2 = inAppMessage.messageContent.actionButton?[1]
            // Create a custom popup with the message components
            // Display the popup with the provided title, subtitle, and buttons
        func impressionDetected(for inAppMessage: FIRInAppMessagingDisplayMessage) {
            // Track impression events for the In-App message
    // Register the custom display delegate
    FIRInAppMessaging.inAppMessaging().delegate = CustomInAppMessagingDisplayDelegate()

    I hope this can help you

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  2. This is my code:

    class MyInAppMessagingDelegate: NSObject, InAppMessagingDelegate {
    func messageClicked(_ inAppMessage: InAppMessagingDisplayMessage, campaignInfo: InAppMessagingCampaignInfo?) {
        // Check if the message is of type InAppMessagingModalDisplay
        guard let modalDisplay = inAppMessage.displayInfo as? InAppMessagingModalDisplay else {
        // Check the button ID to perform specific actions
        if inAppMessage.triggerAction.actionButton?.buttonId == "updateButton" {
            // Handle Update button click
            // Add your custom logic here
        } else if inAppMessage.triggerAction.actionButton?.buttonId == "cancelButton" {
            // Handle Cancel button click
            // Add your custom logic here


    you can try this for two button (update and cancel)

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